...whether your post follows the forum guidelines ?
Several posts have been deleted recently . I can only imagine that this is because the Mods or a Mod is strictly adhering to the forum guidelines.
I feel that if some contributors are being held strictly to these rules then,in fairness so should everybody.
I'm not convinced that your post respects the following rule:-
New Posters:-
All of us were new to these forums once, so please try to make new posters feel welcome. If they are former followers of Rawat they may be experiencing some disorientation, so please be patient. If they are current followers of Rawat, then by all means engage in rational discussion, but do so politely remembering that we shared the same beliefs once. If you are a current follower of Rawat then you are welcome to contribute to the discussions, but please be courteous and make an effort to respond to the replies you receive.
I realise that you are asking Joy Wisdom to respond to a couple of questions as in the last part of the guideline but are you giving her the benefit of any doubt and making her feel welcome ?
actually, reading through the posts again I guess you are being humorous and Joy seems pretty tough and can give as good as she gets...but it's worth reminding the forum of this guideline anyway.