Where Mr Rawat gets his jokes
Re: And Day 2 -- "You don't need freedom" -- Jim Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Ian Vincent ®

01/24/2005, 02:25:01
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Premies used to tell them to him. Back in the late Seventies, I recall a premie in satsang tell of intimate walks with his Lord who asked him to tell all the dirty jokes he knew.

And at the Madrid program in early Nineties, I lodged with a premie who told me of a group of premies who vied with one another to send stories, jokes and poetic imagery to their Lord. It was a blissful moment to them when their script material was used. I asked if this had happened to him. Oh. yes, several times, he replied, and he told me of something he was about to send to Maharaji.

Alas, I cannot remember what it was. But I do remember the names of both of the premies referred to above.

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