Apparently a mod decided two images I posted were, quote, "offensive". I disagree. The two images I posted were extremely beautiful, in my opinion. But unfortunately, posters here are not allowed to decide for themselves.
The forum guidelines state:
"Some posts contain content that is clearly beyond the bounds of good taste and these posts will be deleted.
Other posts will contain content that is offensive to some but humorous or artistic to others. The moderators will try to err on the side of free speech in dealing with such posts, but some will be deleted at the discretion of the moderators."
My post was obviously offensive to that particular mod (though note the plural "moderatorS" in the guidelines above). Why a couple of very beautiful pictures of the naked female form should offend is a matter for him/her to explain. (Though apparently pictures of young bulls being castrated are OK here).
Since I got neither explanation nor any attempt at dialogue, simply a curt dismissal and deletion, I'm out of here.
Bye all. It's been ... educational.
free at last, free at last ... !