This guy has oviously done his homework. I do not believe that he is accidently dropping by presenting those studies, as if anybody who walks around this planet is concerned about cultist and apostates. To believe this, is naive, this guy shows up and knows exactly what he is doing. Andries if you think that you can have a reasonable discussion you are wrong. Definitely the whole subject , as any subject can be considered and should be, from more than one point, i agree. But in the end you will have him have the Rawat cult in exactly that outstanding position. A helpful institution, harmless, with it's only intention to serve humanity, not being responsible for any misunderstanding in the past. On the other hand i really do not care so much about that little crazy cult, whose leader thinks that he is graced by the lord to be able to talk dircetly to the heart (is that already delirium?)of people.