Re: Yep. I knew it
Re: Yep. I knew it -- yadot1 Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Anna ®

01/16/2005, 18:19:06
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Well I sure hope that Cynthia is still here in Jan 2006 because I always enjoy reading what she has to say. She is well informed and makes a lot of sense. She's clearly very intelligent and can read and comprehend and respond when she wants to, and I would miss her input on this forum.

As for the debate about TPRF, my only feeling is that the news here in Britain has constantly reinforced the importance of giving to reputable and experienced charities that are experts in dealing with disaster situations. That's why everyone I know donated to - the money goes straight to charities that are on the front line in these situations and highly experienced in this area. DEC stands for Disasters Emergency Committee. Why give to anyone else when there are already experienced experts available? They have the necessary infrastructure already in place. Why reinvent the wheel?

I do not recall that TPRF set itself up as a charity capable of dealing with this type of situation. I thought it was to disseminate M's message. So why are they doing this? Would it not be more responsible to encourage people to donate to the approriate charities, like the Red Cross for example? And have a link on their website?

I do not trust, however well meaning, the ability of religious charities to deal effectively in this type of emergency situation. Whether it be TPRF or Scientology or the Moonies. If TPRF has raised all this money, what are they doing with it right NOW. Where is the aid and how is the money getting to the people that need it right this minute?

I know in the past when I have asked EV or TPRF a question (entirely reasonable questions, before I was an ex), I never a received a reply. Not even an acknowledgement. Therefore, I do not trust them. They do not even have the courtesy, and basic manners, to respond to a well meaning and sincere premie.

Another telling, and interesting point is that the premies I know gave money to, and not TPRF - for the same reasons I mentioned above. Interesting that they distrust EV/TPRF as I do. Most premies I talk to have a gross mistrust of the organisations round M. The only difference between me and them is how we feel about Prem Rawat.


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