You bring that tweaked out rant by Nurse Betty here and hold it up like it's the Holy Grail or something.
Ok, so what, Mr. HATs analysis needed fine tuning. However, the information stated by Nurse Betty was even less accurate.
And then you mention Jean-Michel and you forgot to mention what your good friend One-Reality said about Jean-Michel in the same thread:
Kahn's off the wall conspiracy theory may be a symptom of early dementia. People who knew John Michel Kahn have said that he was never the same after an operation to remove a a large brain tumor. It appears that the op altered his personality and brain functioning.
Thanks for another excellent post, NB. It will find a more permanent home in the very near future.
You've got a lot of nerve coming over here holding up your piece of tripe and heraldling "Before You Get Carried Away". Actually, you and I will be carried away because catbox posts are not permitted here. But I think it's important to show just how you premies operate and the above attack on Jean Michel is the typical "premie response".
And is it because you are really Nurse Betty?