Re: Naivety is dangerous because it leads to hate
Re: Re: Naivety is dangerous because it leads to hate -- Andries Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Toby ®

12/28/2004, 12:24:41
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Yes that is a problem with the Internet. To really get a picture of what has happened you should interview a couple of living people. Though you have vistited an introductory event with elan vital, you have never seen into the eyes of those that exed, and i do not mean those that drifted away, but those who decided for themselves that rawat is not the one. That is research in my eyes.
Something that i have realized during watching Wikipedia. What happens at Wikipedia, the researches, with some exceptions, are internet researches. Almost everything that i could find that zappaz did for example, can be found on internet pages. third, fourth hand knowledge. This is by no means scholarly, as a matter of fact it is nothing more than some kind of hobby. Researching ,analyzing on a science base is something completely different. That is why we have universities. If you approach an encyclopedia with a journalist like attitude, you have misunderstood something, and having it as a playfield for different competing social groups to forge an encyclopedia is in fact, ridicoulus. I have seen the Wikipedians today, Jimbo Wales and you know whom, i looked over his shoulder. The most interesting thing that i could sense there was the lack of interest that all the geeks and nerds gave to that.


Modified by Toby at Tue, Dec 28, 2004, 13:00:05

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