Re: You're just making that up, aren't you?
Re: You're just making that up, aren't you? -- Jim Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Tempora ®

12/28/2004, 11:38:21
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I'm not really making this up, no.

I had a long conversation quite recently with a guy who has a doctorate in Genetics, and who is involved in a four-year research project in this.

I asked him whether most geneticists were atheists, and he laughed. He told me that this is a myth, and that probably half the ones he knew were religious believers, and another percentage agnostic.

That science can only ever help to explain how things occur, but the why is beyond its scope.

Incidentally, I don't think I've ever referred to Maharaji as a 'true master', merely as a master or teacher among many, who has succumbed to materialism.

What these guys teach about love inside, and which we sometimes feel in their presence, is quite natural to us in any case.

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