You're just making that up, aren't you?
Re: I gave up half way through -- Tempora Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Jim ®

12/23/2004, 16:34:18
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This principle also leaves us in a situation in which probably the majority of scientific evolutionists (certainly those I know) also believe in a God, to make sense of how the primary impulse occurred in the first place, and to understand how the capability to intrinsically feel a guiding loving power exists quite naturally within us.

Where are you getting that from?  My understanding is quite the opposite. Surveys indicate that approximately 90% of scientists don't believe in God.  And that last part sounds like a complete fabrication.

And by the way, you  never did explain why you think that Rawat was once a "true master", with a gift of "higher consciousness", but has since gone bad.  Isn't this really nothing more but wishful thinking on your part?

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