Re: 'Betrayal' is a good word
Re: Re: 'Betrayal' is a good word -- MaryM Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Nigel ®

12/20/2004, 14:40:45
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Actually this is from Nige's wife, Moley, but I can't get the registration thingy to work! I read you loud and clear. I'm 52 and cleaning toilets in a nunnery! Not that that is bad cos the nuns are rather nice! Left the cult properly about 10 ish years ago but floundered around til I found this place. I got a degree bout 5 years ago - was great- glad to hear you are studying! The world (should I put that in inverted commas?!) is a wondrous place. Know what you mean about missing things. My email is - if you wanna an email pal.

Lovc to you and happy (entirely worldly) adventures

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