From Nige's missus, Moley
Re: Thanks, Folks -- premie_spouse Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Nigel ®

12/20/2004, 14:22:45
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Hi. Just read all these posts. I was in a similar position to you for years. Different in that I was an ex;premie, but similar in that I felt like 'second;best' to premie hubby. Very hard, and very bad for sense of self worth. I don't think that you need therapy. But all and anything that you feel like doing to make you feel loveable and good about yourself will stand you in good stead whatever you decide to do. Of course there is no contest between a perfect (!) Rawat and a mere mortal like yourself! I asked myself some hard questions (often!) about what I was doing staying. I don't like the phrase 'co-dependent', but I did figure that I was a bit needy and insecure, and that was one reason I stayed so long - not surprising that a person feels insecure when they are not being loved as no 1 by their partner. I eventually noticed I felt better when hubby wasn't there (took a long, long time) but it still took meeting an ex-premie (Nige) and realising (after a very long time ) what being loved was. Does your husband really  love you? That's the one question I'd ask myself if I were you. All the best, Moley


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