Re: imaginary friend?
Re: imaginary friend? -- premie_spouse Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
PatD ®

12/17/2004, 18:57:37
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Your husband is one of very many, for whom the shabd yoga techniques, as bastardised by Rawat's father, & embroidered by his son's personality cult, have been at best a mixed blessing, & at worst an introduction to mental illness.

Most of the posters on this & previous forums have been people who were more 'into it' on the practical level, & who were betrayed by Rawat in such an offhand & callous way, that they had little option but to reject him, regardless of their prior strength of belief.

There is a very large & unsung constituency of others, amongst whom I include myself, who refused to make the final commitment to the ashram, & so still kept on truckin' when they were abolished.

That's ironic, but there ya go.........the 1st shall be last, & the last shall be's all in the Bible somewhere.

32 yrs after being initiated into the 'Knowledge of God', & my initial reaction was.........'oh no, is this it, I have to look at a whitewashed wall for the rest of my life'....... I have got so used to taking 10 deep breaths in any stressful situation, that it's a habit which is impossible to break.

I don't know what to say really; you need to get through to the rational part of his mind, to snap the connection between the breath & Rawat. If the revelations about what a nasty little goon he is won't do the trick, then you're going to have to talk to the guy along the lines of 'Death in Life'. This is the essence of Rawat's 'teaching', or at least the tradition it comes from.

Sorry I can't be of any more assistance to you.

Good luck anway, & I admire people like you who really do know what love means.

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