Thank *you* Cynthia
Re: Re: Updated website... -- Cynthia Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Mike Finch ®

12/16/2004, 13:59:50
Author Profile

Alert Moderators

Hi Cynthia

I have just read your long post I want to expand of this further, Lexy which is now several threads down.

A few points:

First, I admire absolutely your tenacity and relentlessness on this Forum. You are always spot on, taking time to write focused posts on the issue at hand, and yet with care and sensitivity.

That this Forum stays so on-topic, discussing all facets of Maharaji and his teaching, and how we were affected so much by him, is due largely to your commitment. Thank you.

Second, the fact that you do so when you are attacked as you describe, and in the face of the pain those attacks and criticism cause, is worthy of a double or even triple 'thank you' !

Third, I agree with your point about those of us who use our real names, and publish our private contact info, exposing ourselves to attack by doing so. There is no question that people should be able to post here anonymously; and their stories and posts about Maharaji and their time with him is obviously as valid as us 'named-ones' (Will's phrase). But the effect of what they say is unfortunately often diluted by their anonymity, and particularly with their 'no censorship' calls that you write about.

Although I don't post on F8 nearly as often as you do, and I have not (yet) been publicly attacked, I have a very full and interesting email inbox, because of my website. Some of the emails I get are very vitriolic, and cause me a lot of pain as well; there is no question that a justified, righteous premie can be as cruel as anyone. Those emails in my inbox are, however, balanced by the large number of very beautiful and courageous emails I get from premies who are thinking of admitting the possibility in their lives that Maharaji just might not be the Lord of the Universe.

So I thank you for what you have made this Forum to be; you have my complete and full support in any way that it might be needed, both moral and practical.

Take care

-- Mike

Modified by Mike Finch at Thu, Dec 16, 2004, 14:05:09

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