Yes, it is a puzzle
Re: Why do old time premies remain premies? -- Friend of LA EX Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Will ®

12/07/2004, 13:26:12
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It is a puzzle to me also why some old-time premies continue on.  I tend to think that what premies are doing is exactly what other cult members are doing.  There seems to be a very specific mode of operation for a cult and they all seem to follow it exactly.  What this whole thing is about and why it happens to human beings is a bit of a mystery to me still.

As an example, I have linked to a satsang (a video) given by Bill Stranger who is a major spokesperson for the Avatar Adida.  Bill Stranger is the epitome of the Mahatma, or Initiator, or Instructor talking about the living Perfect Master.  Absolutely everything he says has an exact parallel to Prem Rawat's cult.  The last section of the satsang is about Bill's personal darshan experiences recently and it is here perhaps where the parallels are most obvious.

When listening to Bill talk, I think "what a poor deluded idiot."  Why does he give so much of himself over to Adida?  Why has he accepted a belief system that is so very extreme, (namely that a certain man is divine)? I think it boils down to the fact that he experiences certain mental states (visions and euphoria) and attributes these to divine influences.  Of course he is every bit as ignorant, egoistic, and normally human as anybody else.  He obviously has experienced no superhuman transformation into enlightenment or anything else, because all he is capable of saying is what I or any other premie could say about our experiences with Rawat and Knowledge, which isn't much.

So, I think that so long as premies continue to experience certain mental states and uncritically accept the prescribed belief system about these experiences being supernaturally directed, then they can remain premies in their own minds.  Then, as soon as they look critically AT THEMSELVES and see that Knowledge has NOT transformed them in any way, then they can re-evaluate their belief system.  I think premies really need to look at themselves and judge themselves rather than look at Prem Rawat and judge him.  I know that premies feel incapable of judging Rawat because a few of them have told me so directly.  And it takes many years to be able to look at yourself and really judge yourself, because we expect Knowledge to take a long time to really work.

I don't know of any person who has been transformed by Knowledge or any other cult.  There are some people who claim that Knowledge has  "helped" them, but they cannot manifest anything other than typical normal human expression.  One of the last straws for me was the fact that I could tell that the premies I knew were no better than anybody else, despite having Knowledge for decades.  In fact, some of the premies were even more un-loving and un-happy than your average joe.  And then, the very last straw for me, was looking at myself in a realistic way.

But, if I had been still a premie, I can safely say that my premie loyalities would never have survived reading the transcripts of the trainings.  Rawat reveals his true character so vividly in these transcripts and the picture, at least for me, is NOT PRETTY.  I would never have been able to continue as a premie after reading these, but I guess there are plenty of premie who can.  It is a puzzle.

Related link:
Modified by Will at Tue, Dec 07, 2004, 13:30:22

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