Not seeing the downsides
Re: Re: Why do old time premies remain premies? -- shauna Top of thread Forum
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Friend of LA EX ®

12/07/2004, 12:47:30
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Yes, I agree.  I think the fear of leaving is definitely the strongest.  It definitely was for me.  Rawat said lots of things to reinforce that  -- everything from Hindu stories to rotting vegetables, to sharks, to going to hell if you left.  Fear is an incredibly motivating (or perhaps inertia-causing), factor.  You can see it in premies if you ask them if they have any criticisms of Prem Rawat.  They undoubtedly do, if they are conscious, but they are terrified to entertain or express them.  This is a clear manifestation of the fear.

Some premies do seem to like the big events, because I think it's reinforcement that other people actually believe as they do, they get to feel special, and it relieves (or can relieve) some of the extreme pressure of cognotive dissonance that premies have to live under most of the time.

I got to the point that programs were either incredibly boring, or actually painful to attend.  I just hated them because I felt like I was in a sea of cattle.  So, when the "high" of programs went away, I was long gone as a premie because there wasn't much to hold me anymore -- I was miserable as a premie most of the time in my daily life, as were the vast majority of the premies I knew.

But the hard part is, it's really hard to see the damage that being in that cult and having those beliefs are doing to you until after you leave.  So, if you repress all the bad stuff, or blame yourself and not Rawat or the cult, or the belief system, you might just hold on for years and years because of the fear of leaving, and the little bit of "good stuff" you might get from time to time, and the hope that one day it will finally come together for you.

Like with everything else, a normal, thinking, rational person would weigh the good and bad parts, but if you won't allow yourself to see the bad parts, you might just stay and convince yourself it's great.  Such delusion.  And I say that from personal experience.

Modified by Friend of LA EX at Tue, Dec 07, 2004, 12:52:40

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