Re: Such a horrible story
Re: Such a horrible story -- Susan Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
Jim ®

04/19/2024, 13:59:35
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I've tried to discuss this with you elsewhere and you invaraibly refused. Then, once, when I saw you make a very insulting reference to people whom you knew thought like me in some respects, I insulted you privately and for that I apologize. I was still blocked from the forum then but I was reading from time to time and I assumed, rightly or not, that that forum reference which I could not reply to was an oblique goading and got angry. 

Again, I apologize for that. We've been friends before Susan. You visited us once so long ago. I'm sorry I insulted you -- even if I think you're kind of insulting me here.  

So that debate with Hassan, what do you think of it now four years later? I watched it again for the first time in years (it's great at 1.5 speed) and noticed how Steve blatantly lied at one point. He denied that he argued in the book that Mueller had found Trump colluded with Russia but he most certainly did. I can find the reference if you like. In the debate, he claimed that he only argued that Mueller made a tentative call on obstruction which was true and I didn't say otherwise. But Mueller also concluded -- as was obvious to anyone who knew the true story -- that there was no such collusion. Hassan argued otherwise. I've invited him to debate me again four years later and see how well our earlier views have held up and why but he hasn't gotten back to me yet. 

I say that the whole world has gone mad on race and gender. You want cults, there you go. Not just the activists or poor kids caught up in the queer hysteria themselves but the supposedly sober, science and reason-based academic, medical and other scientific institutions. They've gone mad or, to the extent that members don't go along with it all, they're not jumping off the clown cars so much as trying to quietly take a seat inside where no one can see them. 

You want sexual abuse? How about an ideology that inherently rejects the notion of childhood innocence itself, that countenances pedophilia and is more than happy to condone kids destroying their sexual identities for life on a whim no more meaningful than the explosion of teenage furries:

Yes, Rawat bad. I get it. He's an asshole and should be stopped if and however possible within the law. For sure. 

But this other stuff is a much, much bigger concern and former actual cult members like us have a unique wisdom to offer, if we chose, to those truly interested in the captured mind phenomenon. 


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