Re: Fitness trainer declined vaccine. Stunning photos show what happened to him
Re: Fitness trainer declined vaccine. Stunning photos show what happened to him -- eDrek Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
lesley ®

08/25/2021, 19:30:15
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well I don't want to read too much into one case but yup.  that is a worry.  I think people are really hoping we will develop immunity one way or another and having already had the disease you would hope would be one way. 

I'm not surprised there are people risking themselves over dodgy beliefs.  

My current theory is that whoever Q Anon was or if it was the person who took over from him, whoever it is, not a nice person, had this idea - I wonder if I can make the namaste folk believe in the right wing agenda.

Mullumbimby is known as the NSW capital of anti-vaxxers.  Look, I am on the sidelines of the debate tho I would vaccinate if it were a reasonably achievable choice for me to make, and I think if you aren't going to vaccinate then you need to be responsibie about it.  And from the sidelines I can appreciate why a person might have concerns about vaccination, but I cannot see how that conflates with wearing masks in shops and social distancing.

There are police in town keeping the peace because of trouble with people insisting on their right not to wear a mask.  How dumb is that?  en masse dumb, like they're in a religion.

The latest I heard was that the vaccination is a conspiracy of genocide.  so is the corona virus when it isn't being the flu or a complete fabrication.  How can one person say all those things in one conversation and not hear for themselves how impossible it is for them all to be true?

Rawat's edict that we not talk about our experience to new people was clever, like putting the fence around the flock once it was big enough, giving us less chance of deprogramming ourselves - and it had the added bonus of sticking the boot into our self esteem - not good enough to talk about my own inner experience.

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