Re: my info is always a little lacking, I go days without watching the news
Re: Re: my info is always a little lacking, I go days without watching the news -- eDrek Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
lesley ®

08/27/2021, 12:00:29
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thanks Drek.  

I don't think that is likely to work for me either.  it is hard to understand.  it's happening to me and I find it hard to understand but the facts remain constant.  no immune problems then eat spring roll, a few hours later I am in anaphylactic shock.  

I used to believe that anaphylaxis was the upper end of allergic reactions but now I have understood there are grades of anaphylaxis and what happens to me is the worst of the worst. 

so from no problems to the worst of it via one Chinese spring roll.  I was warned way back then to be careful with food, insects and drugs.  And I was told it was an ongoing process but still I hoped and did all I could to recover a good immune response.

they were right.  exactly right.  it is over 30 years I have lived with it and it has gone exactly as predicted.  (well I have survived better than expected) but the ongoing accretion effect.  The only thing I can say is that if I can go 3 years without a shock then I recover to my best ability to withstand one.  currently it is I dunno maybe 4 years since the last one, a paper wasp sting.

I have been super careful with drugs, always looking when I have needed to take antibiotics for something I have already had.  always refusing anything I didn't have to take.

But then along came Dr Deepak, the f*ckwit who insisted on shocking me not once but twice with contrast dye.  That was not all he did.  I probably am so traumatised I'm not going to go to any hospital ever again.  But that aside, the point is the ongoing accretion effect - I had a highly allergic reaction to the blood thinner they gave me afterwards.  it's a knock on effect, I will now be more intolerant of more drugs. 

It is hard to describe how things went with the contrast dye.  The first shock I was under sedation and remained conscious for maybe one or two seconds once the needle went in.  The second I was under general anaesthetic and woke up to die but the anaesthetist had a hold, and it was love that kept me alive.

all of that is a long way of saying I am at the pointy end of anaphylaxis now, I have already survived way past my bedtime and will still be around for a long time yet if I can avoid any more drug induced shocks - well that's my sense of it anyway, there are anti biotics and painkillers I can take and basically feel pretty healthy.

I got told yesterday how this wave of infection in NSW started - one guy.  He picked up a Middle Eastern flight crew and took them to their hotel.  He caught it from them.  He was supposed to be vaccinated to do that job but he wasn't.  The last I looked, a day or two ago, they were saying we are on a knife edge, whether we can get the numbers back down.

I'm hopeful the numbers will go down, by far the bulk of people are doing everything they can to avoid infection now.

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