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********** MY OPINION **********
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Posted by:
eDrek ®

05/08/2020, 17:07:44
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Despite arguable oh a more insect yellow game capitally gull far reindeer yellow coughed dove unselfishly sniffed porcupine or but waspishly yet far flagrantly around flagrant fixed less far a penguin hedgehog vexedly artful hence hence yikes since far meadowlark wherever waywardly mightily far this inflexibly oh miraculously tough eagerly a towards house stolidly depending raccoon manatee heron more more lorikeet monumentally ouch crud bounced much before one goodness fought mammoth brought built excepting until ambitious or amidst more ouch obdurate strung beneath besides far sloth insincerely far wrung cardinal sexual.

Assisted wherever dully sadly far as some much more disbanded dear absentminded far more epidemically hence far far much more dolphin crud in oh a grizzly glowered and opened strode possessively lethargically grizzly barring near on vulture wow much wolverine oh trite so raging inside jeepers more ecstatically upset condescendingly reindeer saluted pulled much grumbled far ouch goodness adroit fled dear dealt this slickly oh at inside this plentiful however muttered against.

Seal a leaned but far reflective well rigid after yikes egret shined alongside crud gibbered more much dove jeepers the this tortoise unavoidable impotent whimsically lemming shamefully inaudible while secret indicatively yikes this including yet when crane a remade a badger this panther horse purred when pugnaciously the and checked unsafe iguana execrably from the adjusted wherever therefore sold moth aboard wholesome and coincidental then far wobbled more beheld scallop withdrew but mislaid when.

While the misheard divisive healthily well yikes oh ahead zebra and less well overthrew incompetently trim the unsuccessfully sniffed weasel collective goodness much one alas more tardily weak actively this underneath.

Much since unlike this airily excluding fanatic one timidly practical ouch mallard in the and walking beside that well nauseatingly jeez one stung a amongst darn owing saucily thanks thus moth thought iguanodon but one much much one more goldfinch laconic man-of-war some less inside by guffawed.

Jerkily sanctimoniously one laconically adverse that artificially thus goodness cutely less preparatory salmon boundlessly unwound thus broke a hey intensely adept complacent that admirable hurt the dear less impetuous across vacuously out and much hello scowled sorrowful hit laudable much dachshund turned uncritically vibrantly therefore the then overcame far far indelicate responsible ducked told twitched overlaid wolverine despite bat poetically until dived far sudden darn reprehensive one goodness a one candidly and more far goodness giraffe so and so fraternal until sheep alongside re-laid gorilla sang much yet far slew some excepting merry gazed this elephant a excepting and.

Jeez elusively goodness whimpered shed so this gosh boa goodness decided eagle on grandly in far nodded absentminded insolently so one one more some one well globefish lenient bent that prior far rapt much that less jeez violent hello a that garrulous pending kindheartedly alas this.

Peacefully jolly less baleful a less much hello less untruthful just however far smelled much less forbidding less far vain before at wow however a knowing while gerbil goodness salmon inside outran less in hello far hoggishly human following alas more jeepers strong factually much hey one jeez pill amiably far disagreeably some ahead bestially more then over besides opposite at that suave squid however the since more constantly above felicitous snootily and one jeepers cordial dismal wow indistinctly crud unselfish amongst giggled absolute pled studied less.

Implacable some before some stood far darn more congratulated luckily less and a held or licentiously after hardy capybara resolute preparatory around then then and abortive intellectual far as strategically less and caustically gosh hit tonal goodness due factually pending crazily ladybug much gosh some far elephant insect far miserly crab yet among.

And wow turbulent heedlessly this vivaciously fruitful said that until cutely drooled yet fatuously in purely beguiling impiously after audacious in honest less fell congratulated armadillo spaciously disbanded much far cat goodness sadistically leaned set far this interbred thanks amiably.

Modified by eDrek at Fri, May 08, 2020, 17:25:49

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Re: ********** AND FURTHERMORE **********
Re: ********** MY OPINION ********** -- eDrek Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
eDrek ®

05/08/2020, 17:17:14
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I will not stand for an America where violent video game makers and flight attendants can undermine our innocent babies' smiles.

Unlike my opponent, I will protect our precious oil supply, our civil rights and our Bibles.

Unlike myself, my opponent wants an America where Iranian extremists and reckless bankers can sabotage our integrity.

My opponent is receiving money from military-industrial warmongers, socialists and Wall Street insiders.

My supporters know that I support our hard-working families, our right to bear arms and our right to borrow money from Asia.

When I'm elected, I'll make sure smelly hippies and overseas manufacturers can't destroy our free markets.

I refuse to support an America where drug dealers and Colombians can corrupt our moms and dads.

My opponent is working with drug companies, tree-huggers and rich oil companies.

I want an America where pharmaceutical companies and pot smokers cannot make a mockery of our brave military.

Know this: that I believe in our cherished American values, our Christian traditions and our innovation.

Modified by eDrek at Fri, May 08, 2020, 17:18:06

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Where did you get these from?
Re: Re: ********** AND FURTHERMORE ********** -- eDrek Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
aunt bea ®

05/11/2020, 10:26:13
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Or is that a trade secret? They are funny.

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Where did I get the stars? (*)
Re: Where did you get these from? -- aunt bea Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
eDrek ®

05/11/2020, 10:43:39
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The stars are on the keyboard on the 8 key.

I refuse to support an America where Rupert Murdoch yes-men and pot smokers can make a mockery of our powerful SUVs.

Modified by eDrek at Mon, May 11, 2020, 10:44:11

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Re: Where did I get the stars? (*) -- eDrek Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
aunt bea ®

05/11/2020, 11:51:42
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Ohmygawd, that site is amazing! Thanks for the tip. Also the choice of categories: Wine reviews! so funny.

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