Maharaji, 10th December 2000

Birthday Messages

My dearest Master,
Thank you so much for showing me how to fulfill myself to my very core. I wish you a have a wonderful birthday.
I love you

Dearest Maharaji,
Just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. A very happy Birthday.

Dear Maharaji,
I hope you have a very happy birthday.
Your premie always
G. M.
Gold Coast Australia

Now I have acknowledged the cry from my heart, now I can feed it exactly what it wants.
To Enjoy.
Thank you and Happy Birthday.

Maharaji. Happy Happy! Joy Joy!
You have always been here in my life but it is now that I understand what this life is about. I am so grateful. My heart rises to peek out of my eyes to see you when you speak! I am an eager aspirant. I love you and am so proud of you and grateful that you are helping me fulfill the promise I have made to myself from the beginning.

Dearest Maharaji
My loving thoughts are with you especially on this day - your birthday. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your tireless effort - for you - without whom I am completely lost. Happy birthday my dear Master - I long to see you again soon.

Maharaji My Lord,
Thank you for filling my life, my heart and soul with so much love and joy. Time and time you pick me up and set me free. Please never let me stray from your love. Thank you for this beautiful gift of Knowledge. Thank you for your beauty. My eyes have never seen such Grace. I melt in you.
Happy Birthday
I love You
From A. (Down Under)

Happy Birthday Maharaji
Have a beautiful day! Please hurry and come back to Australia. We miss you.
J. (aspirant)

Happy Birthday Maharaji!
Thankyou you have changed my life!
Wishing you health and happiness.
J. W.

"Happy Happy Joy Joy!"
To you my wonderful Master,
love always

Beloved Maharaji. Happy Birthday!
Wishing You all the love in the world.
You made my day again today.
Every day you make my day.
I am surely the most fortunate of beings, because of Your Love, Your Knowledge, Your continual blessings.
I love you so very much.
Thank you for allowing me to be your loving student.
M. W.

Dearest Maharaji
Make your Holy Name prevail in my life. Give me the wisdom to follow your way. I thank you for this life. I love you White Dove. I'm doing my best to follow my heart. My love for you is true.
I love and adore you.
Yours truly
P. X X

Dearest Maharaji
Happy Birthday & Many many happy returns of the day.
May you have an abundance of health and happiness in the years ahead.
May I also thank you once again for this Knowledge and for your love and guidance. Please make sure that I stay close to you on the boat of life throughout my life. I want to grow and grow in love for you and this Knowledge. Help me to stay connected.
With all my love
I. B.

I love you
Hope you have a very happy birthday.