Re: Why does he limit readership behind a paywall?
Re: Re: Why does he limit readership behind a paywall? -- Dojo Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
tommo ®

10/05/2023, 16:16:50
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Yes - maybe.  I think that I'm on the same page as Aquinus - who posted above - on the wider topic of meditation.  Different posters have different opinions.  It's something that I do slip into in quiet moments - but no more profound than swimming in the sea,  cycling down tracks through autumn woods or a Saturday parkrun with friends and family.  Depends what we all each want in life really - observing your breath can be calming but no more or less a source of meaningfulness than anything else imo.   Glimpses of the beauty of the natural world touches my pagan soul more deeply than anything else

Part of the whole premie delusion was of divine privilege -- of our having been gifted a privileged deeper insight into 'life'.   99% of people who ever encountered premies could instantly read this attitude and were (quite rightly) entirely unimpressed by the whole lot of us (notably my dear wife and family who were especially good at being unimpressed).  That I suppose is part of the basis for my belief that nobody really benefited from Rawat's teaching and Knowledge --- at least not in any objective or visible sense -- because - after the 70's -- propagation was a myth and nobody more or less was attracted to any of us.  Shiny, happy fulfilled people - attracting new adherents like moths to a flame?  but really not.  Transparently just ordinary uncertain people no happier or wiser than anyone else but with a few odd beliefs and often more chaotic lives than most.  Benefit if any there was thus being buried so deep as to be entirely invisible?  Maybe so but how could anyone ever know?  Premies would profess to a benefit -- but that was part of the belief system.  

But that is Rawat and the premie thing and on that we perhaps mostly agree.  As for the wider world of meditation, other teachers and the wider context I must admit to knowing nothing  -- I'm not even that curious about it tbh- probably Rawat poisoned that well for me


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