OUCH - yes Lesley.
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Posted by:
Aquinas ®

10/04/2023, 19:35:41
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I agree completely that there is a real problem when we buy into the premise that if we don't meditate, then there is something wrong with us. 

I am very good at meditating, contemplating, praying, whatever you want to call it. I can sit still in silence for hours at a time. I can have experiences that are transcendent. I can detach from 'this world'.

But why? I mean honestly, why? Before I followed the boy god, I could meditate. After I left the boy god, I could still meditate. When I entered a cloistered Carmelite convent, I could meditate (only they called it prayer or contemplation). But to what end? 

Is it spiritual masturbation? I am only asking. Meditation is a very self-centered activity, even though one is supposedly trying to go 'beyond self'.

But has any of this self-enlightment fed a starving person, or housed a homeless person, or brought justice to someone who has been denied it? Or saved an animal from abuse, or protected an abused child? No. Can a person who meditates do these things? Yes. Can a person who doesn't meditate do these things? Of course!

I am not denying that some types of calming techniques can be helpful but if there was any validity to the claim that it brings world peace, or even individual peace, then we would see everyone who follows the boy god become better, kinder, more tolerant and loving people. We don't even see that in him or his wife! We certainly didn't see it in his mahatmas. And we don't see it in the VIP premies or those closest to him. I didn't even see it in myself when I was involved in the whole 'grace race' around him.

Premies cross the street to get away from the 'unclean' ex-premies? How has meditation helped them then? They can't risk being sullied? Why can't they just be kind and friendly and then go home and meditate themselves clean again? Because the whole thing is a farce and a sham - yes, a fraud.

So for those who want to, go ahead and praise meditation - but it is just one more tool in the arsenal of the boy god to control a person's mind and keep them in a state of severe detachment from reality. Face it, meditation is a totally self-centred activity. There is nothing wrong with that. We do lots of things in life to nourish our selves, from taking a bubble bath to napping in the afternoon. But no one needs to pretend it is going to save the world. Just take a look at those who praise it so highly - are they really doing anything to help others apart from talking, talking, talking? And claiming to meditate (how many actually do these days?). Did enlightment make the boy god want to give away his riches to the poor or set up REAL charitable foundations to help the disadvantaged? I don't see it.

Sorry for the rant, but honestly, meditation is not spiritual. A person can be spiritual, and meditation is just a technique some use, as some use repetitive prayers or reading of scriptures, and other use bells and incense and candles. There are many ways for human beings to relax or to feel a connection with their spirit etc, but these are all things that benefit the individual not the world.

To become a really 'good' human being requires more than sitting on one's butt - it requires empathy and action - random little acts of kindness towards others (including animals and the environment). Some just get out there and let their actions be spiritual. 

Anyway, that's what I think about meditation - a completely unnecessary and overrated way to feel relaxed (and perhaps even a little superior). 

Take a bath, have a nap, go save a whale.

Modified by Aquinas at Wed, Oct 04, 2023, 19:39:08

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