Re: bothers isn't quite it
Re: Let me see if I understand what bothers you... -- Susan Top of thread Post Reply Forum
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prembio ®

09/25/2023, 23:19:57
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I was taking from the articles what I considered salient points, discussing what the newspaper printed. 

In 1979 the media and concerned citizens, while correct to be concerned, had an unrealistic view of the power of DLM and later events demonstrated this. This is a comment. Had the article claimed the opposite, that DLM was harmless and positive in the lives of its members, I would have commented that 3 years later the most dedicated members were thrown out of their ashrams into the street and 40 years later there were still members doing their best to make Rawat a respected public figure and living in luxury neither of which he deserved.

Many 70s publications, presented a pollyanna public picture of premies. These articles however, gave contemporary evidence that Ms Fabe saw at her initial satsang the happiest group of people she'd ever seen but also revealed what they actually experienced in their privatre lives and how no premie got the carrot. We know this to be true but as it was printed in a newspaper there will be non-partisan evidence of it in 20 or 50 years.

There was a newspaper headline, "Cults Destroy Minds" a quote by Patrick, it's ridiculous but I haven't commented on that article. Oh I see what you refer to:

Ted Patrick undoubtedly claimed "cults destroy minds" but his claim was ridiculous which is why he was being successfully sued.

My sense of humour. If DLM had destroyed Richard Cooper's mind he would not have been able to escape the kidnapping and sue Patrick because his mind was destroyed, unable to think clearly and cleverly, work towards his goals and plan a decades long program to give Rawat respectability. 

I'm more often bored by Rawat not bothered. I have to do some things to keep myself interested enough to keep the database online especially when I'm way behind in catching up with his career. A sentence like that is part of that.

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