Occasionally you may find that you have problems in being able to compose
a Forum message. Specifically when you click on New Post you
are unable to actually enter anything in the main body of the compose
This problem seems to be related to a combination of your browser and
cookie settings as well as the editor the Forum uses, and possibly any firewall you have in use.
To get around this problem please take the following steps.
Login with your usual name and password.
- Then scroll down and press "Edit your profile, such as signature"
- Scroll down, past the various avatars to "Forum Preferences"
- Untick (or tick) the box where it says "Use WYSIWYG HTML editing".
- Scroll down to the end and press "Submit".
You should now be able to compose a Forum message although you may lose
some of the enhanced editing features that the Forum provides. After a
few days feel free to go through these steps again and tick (or untick) the
WYSIWYG editing box as often this posting problem will disappear.
Normally you will want to have WYSIWYG editing enabled.
Further help
If have any further problems please write to the forum admins at