Dilution of the Brand
Posted by:
Nik ®

01/11/2006, 04:20:45
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Rawat's claim that the name "Elan Vital" came to him in a dream was just the usual cover for blagging a name without acknowledging its orgin - (philosopher Henri Bergson). Even in the early 80s it was a pretty questionable choice - not much evidence of a Bergsoninian 'vital spark' in Rawat's teaching ! Now with everything from computer cases and herbal remedies to sewage treatment companies sharing the Elan Vital name the Elan Vital Church of Denver, Colorado is looking decidely 'back street'. Here's the latest comercial claim to the name:

Pretty Girls Make Graves Hit West Coast

December 28, 2005

Fresh off a mini East Coast tour earlier this month, Pretty Girls Make Graves are planning a handful of West Coast shows in February to preview material from their upcoming album, Elan Vital, which is due out in April on Matador. PGMG kicks things off on Valentine's Day in Moscow, Idaho, then they will travel west to Berkeley, Portland, and wrap in Bremerton, Washington on February 18. Elan [Vital]will be the band's first full-length since 2003's acclaimed The New Romance

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There is also an artist studio on Maui
Re: Dilution of the Brand -- Nik Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Joe ®

01/11/2006, 11:04:57
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Called "Elan Vital."  I think the art is in the grenre of those ocean paintings you see all over Hawaii, with tons of blue paint splashed all over the canvas.  You have to take a Dramamine to get through the whole gallery.

Nevertheless, to my knowledge Elan Vital has not sued this artist for copyright infringement.

Modified by Joe at Wed, Jan 11, 2006, 12:31:12

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And an Irish Investment Trust
Re: There is also an artist studio on Maui -- Joe Top of thread Archive
Posted by:

01/11/2006, 12:47:32
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Re: Dilution of the Brand
Re: Dilution of the Brand -- Nik Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Jethro ®

01/12/2006, 02:58:23
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Hi Nik,

Does Prem Rawat still claim that he does what he does because he hears the voice of his dead father?

All the best


Related link: Prem Rawat hears his dead father's voice
Modified by Jethro at Thu, Jan 12, 2006, 03:00:34

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Henri Bergson's crap theory...
Re: Dilution of the Brand -- Nik Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Nigel ®

01/12/2006, 11:37:47
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He may have been a self-styled philosopher, but Bergson was basically an intellectual quack in the Teilhardt de Chardin 'Omega point' / Sheldrake 'morphic resonance' tradition, proposing unsubstantiated, 'hand-waving' explanations with fancy names for inexplicable entities such as elan vital - an invisible self-organisational essence that somehow drove evolution along, and, of course, completely disproved Darwin.

Huxley commented: 'ascribing evolution to an elan vital no more explained the history of life than would ascribing its motion to an elan locomotif the operations of a steam engine'.

I'm not surprise Prem was keen - it kind of fits his crypto-creationist agenda.

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