Prem Rawat saying "I am God."
Posted by:
Joe ®

01/10/2006, 11:17:58
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Down below, I linked to the Elan Vital website that said Rawat never claimed to be God.  Of course, after we quoted all kinds of statements from Maharaji claiming just that, it was removed.  Anyhow, down below, somebody said that they don't recall Rawat ever saying "I am God," but if you recall, Rawat never much said "I am" anything.  He talked about himself in the third person like kings and queens sometimes do.  He often said Maharaji is this and perfect master is that, and since that's who HE is, he is directly claiming it for himself but saying it in the thrid person.  For example:

The greatest problem all around the world today, whether in America, Japan, China, Russia, India or anywhere else in the world, is that people are not in peace. People want peace. Today, if two people fight, the government is supposed to settle them down. But when governments fight, who is going to settle them down? The only one who can settle the governments down is the Perfect Master, the incarnation of God Himself, who comes to Earth to save mankind.

Tokyo, Japan, October 3, 1972 (And it is Divine, July 1973)

It doesn't get any more blatant than that.   Rawat claimed to be the incarnation of God for many years, and when he wasn't saying it, he was supporting other people saying it, like many of us.  Like JHB said below, he sat there with a crown on while we sang arti to him, one of the lines leading up to arti being a line Rawat personally wrote, in which he called himself the "superior power in person," and while we sang "the Lord of the Universe" to him as well.  He took it all in, and never protested, corrected, and never did much of anyting but sit there in his corpulent wonder taking it all in.

I know this is redundant, but I strongly believe that one of the things ex-premies can do, is simply to state the truth, if nothing else, to counter the lies and spin of Elan Vital. 

And why is this important?  Because Rawat's claims to be God caused many of us to do a lot of things that were very destructive of our lives, like give up education, career, family and relationships because you have "that understanding," that nothing is more important than devoting yourself to the living incarnation of God if you have this rare "opportunity" of a thousand lifetimes.


Modified by Joe at Tue, Jan 10, 2006, 11:23:07

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Re: Prem Rawat saying "I am God."
Re: Prem Rawat saying "I am God." -- Joe Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
T ®

01/10/2006, 11:44:04
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Gee Joe, we seem to be online at the same time.

One person we should all feel very grateful to is Hilltop for preserving so much of the old stuff.  Of course we, expremies and premies alike, know what was said in the past, the actually proof of him saying what he did goes so much further.  And as you say just saying the truth does counter the lies and spin of Elan Vital.  The truth is preserved so well on the Drek and the Gallery websites as well as obviously on EPO and other sites.


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Re: Prem Rawat saying "I am God."
Re: Re: Prem Rawat saying "I am God." -- T Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Joe ®

01/10/2006, 12:10:28
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Yeah, I guess we are, off and on, around here at the moment.  I agree, Hilltop has done a fantastic job and I'm so grateful he didn't follow Maharaji's agya and destroy all that incriminating material, and Drek has done a great job too, including putting up video on his sites.

What do you think of the website?  I know I've said this before, but I think it's the best thing ex-premies have ever done, and it is by far the best website for the press, or for anyone trying to find out about this stuff.  Really great.  EPO has tuns of material and serves as a kind of on-line library, but it isn't easily accessible and it doesn't have an overall narrativelike the PRMI website does. 

Modified by Joe at Tue, Jan 10, 2006, 12:13:18

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Re: Prem Rawat saying "I am God."
Re: Re: Prem Rawat saying "I am God." -- Joe Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
T ®

01/10/2006, 12:21:41
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  1. A large cask for liquids, especially wine.
  2. A measure of liquid capacity, especially one equivalent to approximately 252 gallons (954 liters).

Now I know that JHB brews his own, but really Joe I don't think that he has accumulated 252 gallons.  Or has he?

Regarding PRMI, yes I agree the authors have done a great job in pulling together the various strands of Prem Rawat, his history and his orgs and then distilling it down in a very presentable manner that is easily digested. Likewise with PRC.  I see both sites, as with EPO, continue to gain very high google rankings. So on google's way of doing things both sites are highly relevant for anyone wanting to know more about Prem Rawat.


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At least 252 gallons... probably a lot more
Re: Re: Prem Rawat saying "I am God." -- T Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Joe ®

01/10/2006, 12:54:03
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More, really.  EPO is just loaded with good information, but you almost need a search engine to find it all.  Great resource, however.

Yes, tuns.  I guess I could have also said "tons" but I work a lot in the wine industry and you kind of pick up the lingo after a while, although, unlike a lot of people I work with, I know very little about wine, except what tastes good, maybe and what I need to know for the actual work.

Yeah, I think Google does sorts by popularity, unless someone pays them to have their website at the top, and also along the side, which the cult has done.

But the bigger question is:  will Google stock ever go down?  Related story:  a guy bought a house a few blocks from where I live for $5.3 million, CASH, last month.  He's a Google multi-millionaire, retired of course.  Isn't the stock like over $400 a share?

Modified by Joe at Tue, Jan 10, 2006, 12:55:18

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Re: Prem Rawat saying "I am God."
Re: Prem Rawat saying "I am God." -- Joe Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Cynthia ®

01/10/2006, 12:15:40
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Hi Joe,

I know this is redundant, but I strongly believe that one of the things ex-premies can do, is simply to state the truth, if nothing else, to counter the lies and spin of Elan Vital. 

And why is this important?  Because Rawat's claims to be God caused many of us to do a lot of things that were very destructive of our lives, like give up education, career, family and relationships because you have "that understanding," that nothing is more important than devoting yourself to the living incarnation of God if you have this rare "opportunity" of a thousand lifetimes.

I agree that it's important to restate that Rawat used words and actions to lead most of us to think he was God.  Down that garden path.

I didn't get the idea he is God all by myself after hearing satsang a few time.  It wasn't my realization that came out of meditation or the "experience of knowledge."  lol.  He put that image forth when he held darshan lines, when he spoke upon a throne, and when he demanded worship when premies were in his company, i.e., while doing service directly for him.  No one could ever question him and wouldn't try unless they were willing to be ostracized, verbally abused, or even physically abused by him.  And, of course, he planted the myth (rationalization) that "Jesus came as a poor carpenter, this time the Lord has come and he likes living an oppulent lifestyle."  Or something like that.  That's why so much money flowed in his direction and still does.

One of the most stunning characteristics of premies around Maharaji was the fear they had of him.  This was no accident.  He had a reputation.  Why?  Because he "is" the Lord and gets anything he wants.  No one who lives/works closely around him can ever deny that and be honest.

I saw it every day at DECA.  Even people like myself and many others, who have very strong personalities and don't fear much in the real world, were reduced to people who would comply with his every whim and wish.

I think it's hilarious that EV has tried to blame our worship of him as God or the Lord on our obsession with saris or all things hindi during the 70s.  I never like the Indian trip.  Only thing I liked then and still like is Indian food.


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"King Baby"
Re: Re: Prem Rawat saying "I am God." -- Cynthia Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
shelagh ®

01/11/2006, 18:22:50
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Hi Cynthia!  Your description put me in mind of what they call an alcoholic who terrorizes his family with unreasonable and illogical demands, and unpredictable punishments!  I'm glad I escaped any personal involvement with this man!  (spared by the grace, no doubt, because I certainly thought it must be the ultimate bliss when I was a premie!).  Your story has cured me of that madness!

Thank you!


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And don't forget 'Guru is greater than God'..
Re: Prem Rawat saying "I am God." -- Joe Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Nigel ®

01/10/2006, 12:33:07
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>And why is this important?  Because Rawat's claims to be God caused many of us to do a lot of things that were very destructive of our lives, like give up education, career, family and relationships because you have "that understanding," that nothing is more important than devoting yourself to the living incarnation of God if you have this rare "opportunity" of a thousand lifetimes.

In a nutshell, Joe.  That's the story of my early adult life - the aftershocks of which I still haven't got over, careerwise, etc.

I may have the self-respect I never had back then, but when I think of the hours and days of unpaid 'service' I put in, jobs abandoned to attend festivals, etc. and forfeiting any prospects of my own...

And, yes, it was because he was living incarnation of God, and his was the only way, and I didn't want to break into a thousand pieces.

And I was stupid or vulnerable enough to swallow it.

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There was 'Long Arti' and there was 'Short Arti'...
Re: Prem Rawat saying "I am God." -- Joe Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Nigel ®

01/10/2006, 17:40:30
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You do short Arti if satsang has overrun and everyone's little cups of happiness are spilling over already... too blissed out remember the words (or you want to get home to watch Dallas).

Long Arti had this other thing - 'Twameva'? added in, so that the whole lumbersome whatnot went on for what seemed like twenty minutes, or half a lifetime, every night, every other night, for weeks and months and years...  Every night...  Long Arti.  JEEZUS - I was a young man, then... I'm not now. (Sorry, I digress)

I don't want to imply for a moment that Long Arti claimed Prem Rawat to be God (Libel laws and all that).  But I still get the impression Rawat wanted us to be quite fond of our chosen meditation instructor:

You are my father and you are my mother
You are my brother and you are my friend
You are riches, you are wisdom,
I bow down before such a wonderful Lord.

..followed by ritual flame thing where the Arti candle was passed around and you pretended to wash your face with it, then bow down before his picture.  Never quite got the hang of what that was all about.  Perhaps I never will..

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"The Lord of the Universe" TVTV 1974 public tv documentary
Re: Prem Rawat saying "I am God." -- Joe Top of thread Archive
Posted by:

01/10/2006, 23:28:02
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about Rawat's failed Millennium event in Houston's Astrodome in 1973.  Viewing the above video, which link I can't find, will certainly give a positive answer to your question.  I own a copy from  I think this documentary was spot on in many respects.  Surely an objective viewer would have to agree that the "God" was thrown around, along with very outrageous other claims.  And definitely inferred.

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Right you are...
Re: "The Lord of the Universe" TVTV 1974 public tv documentary -- OTS Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Joe ®

01/11/2006, 10:58:35
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It is pretty clear seeing that.  The link is below.

I wonder if anyone wil go over to Amazon and "review" Rawat's "great work of art" (according to Tim Gallwey), and mention that it's the same guy who's in that video also available on Amazon.

It could also appear in the section about how "people who bought this item also bought" which Amazon also does.

Related link: The Lord of the Universe Video On

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