Doesn't ANYONE ever get past "When?"
Posted by:
Jim ®

01/09/2006, 21:34:40
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Rawat's website offers all of this as an explanation of this great man's extraordinary talents:

What is his background?

Born in India, he started addressing audiences at the age of three and gave his first published address when he was only four. At eight, he started presenting his message of peace throughout the Indian subcontinent. At thirteen, he was invited to speak in London and Los Angeles. Since then, more than 9 million people in over 250 cities and 50 countries around the world have come to him for inspiration and guidance.

The dissemination of his message, which is made available in more than 88 countries and 70 languages, is entirely supported by voluntary contributions and the sale of related materials. He supports himself and his family through independent means.

Isn't it quite something how this is really no explanation whatsoever?  Rawat's "background", in the special circumstances of someone who claims to have a special gift for being able to show people the secret of themselves, their heart and all that jazz -- not just theoretically, but practically, don't forget -- must be something more than when he started talking to people.  The real questions most obviously are "How did he get this gift?", "What is it exactly?" and "Why him?" Each of these questions can only be answered by exposing the bizarre cult that surrounds this on-again/off-again Lord of the Universe.

Naturally, the cult doesn't want to do that so what do they offer instead?  "When?"  They offer a boring, uninteresting story of when Rawat started stumping for his father and pretend they've answered the question.

Will there ever be a day when some journalist or interviewer gets past that most banal question?  I mean, don't get me wrong, it's interesting enough as far as it goes.  Rawat started preaching at three?  Wonderful.  But that just cries out for answers to the other questions.  The ones the cult pretends don't exist past that point.

Or maybe Rawat should be more consistent with his anti-question philosophy and not even offer this much information!  Can you imagine?  A FAQ -- because everybody needs one -- that explains Rawat's background without even that?

What is his background?


Modified by Jim at Mon, Jan 09, 2006, 21:43:36

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Re: Doesn't ANYONE ever get past "When?"
Re: Doesn't ANYONE ever get past "When?" -- Jim Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
13 ®

01/10/2006, 01:46:28
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Good questions, Jim. Why does no-one answer them? Have you and John not allowed jonx/reporter into the fray? Or is he exing himself by now, and struggling with it. 

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Re: Doesn't ANYONE ever get past "When?"
Re: Doesn't ANYONE ever get past "When?" -- Jim Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Joe ®

01/10/2006, 11:38:05
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I know, it's so perplexing.  Elan Vital raises a question and then gives some meaningless anecdote or cute story that explains nothing, but implies...something.  It's so damn dishonest, but fortunately, both EV and TPRF don't do it very well.  It's just laughable.  I wonder who is writing this stuff.  I know Linda Pascotto and Willow Baker are mentioned, but otherwise it's just the nameless organization talking.

Will there ever be a day when some journalist or interviewer gets past that most banal question? 

I think that won't happen as long as Rawat remains as obscure as he is, and likely to remain.  He just isn't of interest to journalists because he's such a zero, just another new-agey, semi-spiritual, semi-religious, semi-self-help" type with an aging, dwindling following and some lame websites that claim he offers an experience of "peace" through some vague process called "the keys."  Who would be interested in that?

Remember even Kurt Andersen couldn't get the "my sister Erika used to be in a cult that isn't a cult anymore" article in the New Yorker, despite having written the article and interviewing both you and me for it?  There just wasn't enough interest.  Personally, the New Yorker is my favorite magazine, so, it kind of raised my regard even higher because I suspect that article was going to imply that the Rawat cult used to be a cult, but isn't anymore.

So, Rawat is stuck with paying somebody like Bert Wolf, a cooking show host, to "interview" him, and do canned "interviews" for magazines that aren't really magazines, but just puff publications that the public doesn't even see, and getting his followers to put his videos on cable access TV, with the other spiritual con men, like Andrew what's his name and that fat Indian woman whose name I also do not recall.

But if by some bizarre chance that the current PR campaign were to be  successful (chances between slim and none), then the interest will be there in the press, and fortunately, the ex-premies now have some excellent resources for them, and Rawat will probably have tantrums like he had at Millennium because he won't be able to completely control what gets said about him and he'll have a little tirade about how the press should get behind him an help him bring peace to the world.  In other words, just surrender to him, like he told us to do for years.

Modified by Joe at Tue, Jan 10, 2006, 11:43:39

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Re: Doesn't ANYONE ever get past "When?"
Re: Re: Doesn't ANYONE ever get past "When?" -- Joe Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Jim ®

01/11/2006, 17:29:40
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Hi Joe,

The New Yorker's my favorite magazine too.  So it was all the more exciting spending that time talking with Kurt and then awaiting the article.  The excitement turned to frustration when I started to hear how worried he was of alienting his brother and sister in the cult, David and Erica, and then further frustration when the magazine, so caught up in the Monica Lewinsky scandal, ultimately didn't have room for it.  Maybe you're right and they just decided it didn't have enough general appeal. One thing I do know is that Kurt Andersen never returned the copy of Who is Guru Maharaj Ji? I lent him.  Maybe his siblings ordered him to burn it.

Yeah, that David Andersen was a real piece of work when he was posting a few years ago, wasn't he? 

So I wonder if Burt Wolf is enjoying the Keys as we speak? 

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Burt Wolf took his keys to the bank.....
Re: Re: Doesn't ANYONE ever get past "When?" -- Jim Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Joe ®

01/11/2006, 18:24:08
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Rawat's devotees probably paid him handsomely to lob easy questions to Prem and appear interested the whole time.  Good acting.

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