EV 8/23/01 press release regarding the CAC Websites
Posted by:
Joe ®

01/09/2006, 18:53:27
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The following is the Elan Vital press release of August 23, 2001, regarding the "Citizens Against Cyperstalking" websites, which attacked ex-premies viciously and attempted to blackmail them from talking about Maharaji on the internet. 

Note that  EV  denies involvement or control, but EV does not deny it was aware of those websites before they happened, nor that it knows who was behind them.  Moreover, note how EV describes those sites as a mere "escalation" of the "hurtful and offensive agenda" of the exes, basically implying we deserved everything we got.  Nice, peaceful people, those people are.

Elan Vital has been made aware of a number of Internet websites which apparently have escalated a hurtful or offensive agenda on the part of those site's authors. Elan Vital has absolutely no involvement with or control over these sites or their authors. As the target of unfair, out of context and factually incorrect allegations, Elan Vital is sympathetic to others who feel that they have been similarly maligned.

While Elan Vital's position is one of respecting freedom of expression, we hope that all persons, whether they practice Knowledge or not, would respect the property, integrity and privacy of others. We wish to share with all persons concerned that these sites should not be construed in any way as reflecting the goals of Elan Vital, nor should they, regardless of position, be seen as carrying the endorsement or approval of Elan Vital.

The goals of Elan Vital center around the experience of Knowledge as taught by Maharaji, which is a joyful and positive experience for those who approach it sincerely. It is our view that acrimonious debates in Internet forums in no way furthers those goals or that experience.

Related link: Elan Vital 8/23/01 Press Release
Modified by Joe at Mon, Jan 09, 2006, 19:07:42

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Re: EV 8/23/01 press release regarding the CAC Websites
Re: EV 8/23/01 press release regarding the CAC Websites -- Joe Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
T ®

01/10/2006, 01:21:36
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Alert Forum Admin

Hi Joe

The EV press release raises more questions then it seeks to clarify. 

However the following phrase is interesting:

As the target of unfair, out of context and factually incorrect allegations, Elan Vital is sympathetic to others who feel that they have been similarly maligned.

So, can we assume that Elan Vital will be true their word and remove 'unfair and factually incorrect allegations' they carry on their own websites, or the sister websites?  Or is it a case that it is a one way street once again?


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I wouldn't hold my breath, EV has no problem telling lies
Re: Re: EV 8/23/01 press release regarding the CAC Websites -- T Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Joe ®

01/10/2006, 10:48:28
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For example, this is on the EV website talking about "the hate group" (which is said to include just about anybody who was once a premie and who criticizes either Rawat or the cult in any way).  The statement says that after an article critical of Maharaji appeared in the Daily Californian on April 30, 2003:

When Elan Vital contacted the newspaper's faculty advisor, the newspaper published an article correcting the misinformation. The hate group re-published the false article on its website, but never acknowledged its role in fooling the press nor the corrected article.

The only "misinformation" corrected after the article appeared was to state that Rawat wasn't actually the president of Elan Vital.  Other than that, the article was never "corrected" in any way and stands as written.  Nevertheless, Elan Vital has no problem lying, and implying that anybody but the cult itself has said there was anything whatsoever incorrect about the content of that article, or that it was "corrected," in any substantive way.

Cults lie.  That's what they DO.

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Re: I wouldn't hold my breath, EV has no problem telling lies
Re: I wouldn't hold my breath, EV has no problem telling lies -- Joe Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
T ®

01/10/2006, 11:13:36
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Alert Forum Admin

Cults lie.  That's what they DO

Yeah, sadly you are correct.  As the supposed keeper of the ultimate truth I guess they feel ok about telling little white lies and big black lies just so they can ensnare even more innocent victims.  Of course that is not the the way they will see things, but in reality that is the way things are.

I don't know if you saw, but the cult (in this case in the form of TPRF), last week put out a news release recapping Prem Rawat's 'eventful 2005'.  Basically they summarised all their press releases (I think the count was 34) of last year, you know UN stuff, prestigious people, Burt Wolf et al.

A little bit of honesty on their part every now and again would be nice. Hey I'm an optimist! 


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