Rawat's (Revisionist) Biography from Elan Vital re "the residence"
Posted by:
Joe ®

01/09/2006, 18:38:31
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Why is Elan Vital such a lying organization?  Here's how they described the Malibu palace where Rawat now lives, and how he got it.  Yes, it was just a "delapidated house," Rawat didn't know that Malibu was prestigious, and now he still lives in the house which has been "rebuilt and added to."  Wow, what a humble, guy Rawat is.  Not ostentatious at all, no sir. What a joke:

... In 1974, when being driven up the Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu, he saw a dilapidated structure atop an isolated mountain and it caught his eye. The leaking bungalow, built as a weekend retreat by a Hollywood director, was some way off from the celebrated beach-side community. Maharaji was unaware of the prestige of the area, but the beauty of the landscape was breathtaking and gave him a sense of refuge from the very adult responsibilities that he had to face on a daily basis.

In 1975 Maharaji and Marolyn had their first child, a girl they named Premlata. Three more children followed, Hans, Dayalata and Amar.

The family still live in the same house, now rebuilt and added to. Maharaji relishes it as his quiet family retreat, when taking a break from his busy schedule of relentless travel and tours.

By the way, after ex-premies criticized this piece of revisionist bullshit, Elan Vital removed this from Rawat's biography.

Related link: Elan Vital Website (the man behind the message)

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Regarding Marolyn
Re: Rawat's (Revisionist) Biography from Elan Vital re "the residence" -- Joe Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Joe ®

01/09/2006, 18:45:01
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How he met Marolyn and how this is what caused the Holy Family to break up.  From this perspective, it was Rawat who wanted to reconcile with the family, but according to Dettmers, Maharaji intentionally decided to marry while he was still legally a child because it would drive Mata Ji away and give him control of DLM  in the West.

I note also that in Rawat's entire biography and "the man behind the message," the ashrams are never mentioned, nor the people who devoted their lives to him.  It's like he had nothing to do with it.  There are extensive paragraphs on Rawat learning to fly a plane, but the devotees are apparently a lot less important to "the man behind the message" than flying is.  Typical, no?  He really didn't give a shit about us, did he?

At age 15 Maharaji fell in love. Marolyn Johnson was a student of Maharaji's teachings and worked as a flight attendant. They first met when Maharaji was a passenger on one of her flights and a romance developed.

At the time the organization promoting his teaching was seen as one of the fastest growing movements of its kind in America, if not the world. Maharaji wanted to concentrate on his teaching but was increasingly required to consider the practical aspects of responding to the growing number of requests from around the world asking him to come and speak. Now added to this he was maintaining a discreet romantic liaison right under the noses of a family that would certainly disapprove of such a relationship on grounds of race and caste.

The matter finally came to a head when in May 1974, aged 16, he married Marolyn. At twenty-four, she was eight years his senior. For his mother, this was the final straw. She accused her youngest son of betraying every tradition she held sacred. She disowned him and returned to India. Once there she helped his elder brother start a separate movement. The strain of this rift with his family took its toll on Maharaji's health. He offered reconciliation with his family, an offer which was never accepted.

Related link: From Elan Vital: The Man Behind the Message
Modified by Joe at Mon, Jan 09, 2006, 18:45:59

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Re: Rawat's (Revisionist) Biography from Elan Vital re "the residence"
Re: Rawat's (Revisionist) Biography from Elan Vital re "the residence" -- Joe Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
shelagh ®

01/10/2006, 08:55:41
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Hi Joe!  The revisionism is so sick, and what was happening "back then" is so sick as well. This is all profoundly disturbing, how deep the lies and manipulations went!  And for whose sake?!  And in the name of love, devotion, truth, beauty, the heart, and on and on...

So sick....


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