To Charles Glasser - Re: our email discussion
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01/07/2006, 18:47:06
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Charles Glasser,

As you have stated you no longer accept emails from me, I am taking our discussion public.

As you know, you initiated an email discussion about the speculation on this forum that you may be the author of a new pro-Rawat website. You asked that the thread be deleted. I offered to post that you said you were not the author, but I was reluctant to unnecessarily censor this forum. You declined that offer, and the email discussion developed to the point where you gave me a warning about the consequences of such online discussions.

In the course of our discussion I refered to the website you had previously admitted to authoring,, which initially contained claims that Rawat's critics were mentally ill or drug addicts. You claim a desire to be no longer involved in this online conflict between those who criticise Rawat and those who try to counter such criticism. I suggested that if you do not want your name mentioned in respect of your earlier activities against Rawat's critics then you should publicly apologise for your previous statements. You claimed that you had publicly apologised and advised me to check the archives. I have now done this and can find no such public apology from you, nor do I recall you ever posting on any public discussion board under your own name regarding this issue.

Before I call you a liar, Mr. Charles Glasser, I give you this opportunity to show me where you publicly apologised for calling Rawat's critics drug addicts or mentally ill. If you fail to do so I will publish a web page detailing your attempts to stifle open criticism of a controversial cult leader by attacking his critics.

For what it's worth, I am sure you are not the author of the website you were so concerned about.

John Brauns

Modified by JHB at Sat, Jan 07, 2006, 18:51:00

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Re: To Charles Glasser - Re: our email discussion -- JHB Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
bill ®

01/10/2006, 00:49:43
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It must be hard to still be leaning on prems dream world.

Yes it was a ride that was full of the most wildest claims possible, but Charles wont necessarily break in pieces to admit it was a dream.

If he thinks there is no solid ground, well then I see why he hesitates to move away. However, despite triumphant noise like the dawkins freaks like to make, there is solid ground here.

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