What a CHEESY and hilarious little man this is!!
Posted by:
Jim ®

01/07/2006, 15:26:03
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Check out this latest clip of Rawat mugging for dollars.

It's really quite something how this guy tries to make the most vapid, empty banalities seem exactly the opposite.

WhatEVer, Rawat, WhatEVer!



Related link: Listen to him say "banana"

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Re: What a CHEESY and hilarious little man this is!!
Re: What a CHEESY and hilarious little man this is!! -- Jim Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
cq ®

01/08/2006, 09:04:44
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It took an age to download that clip, but what impressed me the most was how scary is Rawat's conviction that he's right - especially when he gets it so totally wrong.

For instance, he talks of "a mirror that will project that image like it is without changing it ..."

Someone should tell him that a mirror reflects - not projects.

As for the banana/barnarna pronunciation thing - well, who really cares? Better to point out the falsehoods and non-sequiturs in his spiels than simple pronunciation differences - no?

'You say tomayto, and I say tomarto ..."

If it was simply a matter of mis-pronunciation, I'd say: "Let's call the whole thing off!"

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Did you think it was funny?
Re: Re: What a CHEESY and hilarious little man this is!! -- cq Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Jim ®

01/08/2006, 09:28:31
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As for the banana/barnarna pronunciation thing - well, who really cares? Better to point out the falsehoods and non-sequiturs in his spiels than simple pronunciation differences - no?

 The guy's out there as the perfect whatever-the-hell-he's-supposed-to-be.  Everything about his shtick and presentation open to ridicule.  Personally, I thought it was funny.  But I do appreciate the lecture, don't get me wrong.  A lecture's always nice.

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Re: Did you think it was funny?
Re: Did you think it was funny? -- Jim Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
cq ®

01/08/2006, 10:16:41
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Funny? No. Scary - yes.

Lectures? the shorter the better ...

Modified by cq at Sun, Jan 08, 2006, 10:17:08

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He is a dangerous meglomaniac
Re: Did you think it was funny? -- Jim Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
T ®

01/08/2006, 16:38:11
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The whole idea that someone needs an introduction to themselves as if they do not know themselves is false, dangerous and frankly cult speak.

What Maharaji / Prem Rawat has always done and continues to do is set up a totally false world of ideology that someone is meant to strive for.  And Rawat presents himself as the 'One' that can make that connection, the connection of oneself to oneself.  And then he says that the journey is a never ending journey, thus, as always, making his followers be in a self deluded and needy state, never actually achieving anything (the endless journey), and totally reliant on Prem Rawat for leaderhip.

Were it not for the fact that Prem Rawat is the head of an official registered church he would have had his ass sued many times over for abusive behaviour.

Beyond that I feel pretty neutral about him, his is more a victim of his upbringing then anything else.  I hope that one day he will wake up and see the damage he is doing to countless thousands.


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Re: He is a dangerous meglomaniac
Re: He is a dangerous meglomaniac -- T Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
karenl ®

01/08/2006, 19:47:58
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I also want him to wake up and tell the truth to his many devotees. But I think he is trapped by the staff that manage him. Poscotto et. all have a great deal at stake in keeping their money making machine going.

Can you imagine what they would DO to him if he ever tried to tell the truth and, say, give his fortune away to help others? They would crucify him in a New York second! Not that I think there's any danger of him sacrificing his million dollar watch collection to help the earthquake victims in Kashmir and Pakistan. How many tents and how much rice could he provide them?

Oh, I forgot, the poor will always be with us, so don't help them. Or is it "Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, you feed him for life." I think the real quote was originally Gandhi's, but when I heard it first, I was told it was rawat's thieving father. Is there anything that the rawat crowd wouldn't stoop to steal?



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