Guru papers review reviewed
Posted by:
Andries ®

01/07/2006, 06:04:10
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The 1993 book "The Guru Papers" by Joe Kramer and Diana Alstad, that is also linked to on ex-premie was recently reviewed by Robert Priddy, a prominent ex-follower of SSB.

The Guru papers make very valid points about the guru-disciple relationship. They advocate a negative perspective on this relationship and (often convincingly) dismiss more positive alternative perspectives. The book also make sweeping negative generalizations, though without a doubt true sometimes, that they could have better toned down a bit.

It seems as if the authors have studied Rawat before writing the book, because some paragraphs are 100% the young Rawat (e.g. they mention ulcer problems), though they do not mention his name.

This brings me to the biggest drawback of the book. It does not mention its sources and it gives only very few examples.

Another drawback is that this essay-like book is somewhat verbose: sometimes you get the point already from reading a few paragraphs of some chapters.


(amended) (Review by Robert Priddy)

Modified by Andries at Sat, Jan 07, 2006, 06:31:02

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Hey Andries, howzit?
Re: Guru papers review reviewed -- Andries Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Jim ®

01/07/2006, 15:37:17
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It's been a while since I read the book but I remember it really made some original points that impressed me when I first went through it.

How're you doing, by the way?

Big up from Laurie!

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Re: Hey Andries, howzit?
Re: Hey Andries, howzit? -- Jim Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Andries ®

01/07/2006, 19:13:55
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Many thanks Jim for your reply. I received so few replies that I started wondering what is wrong with my posts. 

Hope you are doing okay.


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Re: Hey Andries, howzit?
Re: Re: Hey Andries, howzit? -- Andries Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Jim ®

01/07/2006, 19:24:48
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The secret to getting lots of replies is littering your posts with happy faces.    People need to know you feel a deep and abiding love for them before they'll talk to you.    Barring that, you can always piss them off.  (But I don't know how to make those emoticoms so I can't help you there.) 

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'Lonely post' syndrome...
Re: Re: Hey Andries, howzit? -- Andries Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Nigel ®

01/08/2006, 14:47:35
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Hi Andries,

I received so few replies that I started wondering what is wrong with my posts.

Don't worry - we've all been there, and it can be disheartening to see a post you've spent some time on sinking miserably to the bottom of the page without a murmur from the other forum funstersBut it doesn't mean your post hasn't been read and appreciated by many.  Often people have nothing to add, or are shy of joining in, or are busy in other discussions.  It's no big deal, really!

Keep talking ... just express yourself for the sake of it, and fear not - someone will take a potshot at you before long.

(That's the weird thing - it's worse to get no replies than hostile ones where you can get your teeth into a bit of a discussion.  It's like Oscar Wilde saying: 'There's only one thing worse than being talked about, and that's not being talked about')


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also Andries...
Re: 'Lonely post' syndrome... -- Nigel Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Mike Finch ®

01/09/2006, 03:59:11
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Also Andries, some posts just don't invite replies.

I have noticed that posts that do not ask questions, or do not put forward an outrageous viewpoint, get less responses.

Often people post fascinating and useful posts, but there is nothing to reply to.

Example: '13' has posted about two upcoming TV programs with Richard Dawkins, who I admire greatly, which I will watch. If he had not posted the info, I would probably have not noticed they were on. So a useful post, but nothing to reply to! Except 'thanks' - so thanks 13!

-- Mike

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Good post, Mike!
Re: also Andries... -- Mike Finch Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Jim ®

01/09/2006, 10:41:56
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Hey, that was a good joke! Someone should comment at least
Re: Good post, Mike! -- Jim Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Jim ®

01/10/2006, 15:06:28
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Re: Hey, that was a good joke! Someone should comment at least -- Jim Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Nigel ®

01/10/2006, 18:33:14
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Modified by Nigel at Tue, Jan 10, 2006, 18:38:12

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