What do you think's going on here?
Posted by:
Jim ®

01/06/2006, 21:23:50
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The latest Rawat cult press release, linked below, includes a ridiculous endorsement from the president of the Committee for Economic Development of Australia.  Really, if you read the quote below, the guy sounds like a premie.  Anyway, I emailed the CEDA the following although I have no idea if I'll ever hear from them:

Below is an excerpt from a press release put out by the notorious cult leader, Prem Rawat, (a/k/a Maharaji a/k/a Lord of the Universe!), which includes a glowing endorsement from your president:

Prem Rawat has received accolades and awards internationally. His message is broadcast throughout the world. Though many have praised his work, perhaps his efforts are best summed up by Paul McDonald, the executive director for the Committee for Economic Development of Australia, who introduced him on the U.N. International Day of Peace at Australia's Parliament House:

"It's not possible in a few words to convey the breadth of Prem Rawat's achievements. Or, indeed, what he has to offer in the context of peace. He travels the world inspiring people to find peace within. His purpose has always been the same: to help each person find fulfillment.

"In the troubled times in which we are living, our dream for peace seems to elude us. While we tend to first look to institutions to bring peace, Prem Rawat says we need first and foremost to look within. Peace, he says, is possible. It is within each person waiting, wanting to be felt. His message is original and profound."

The press release can be read in its entirety here:


May I ask upon what grounds Mr. McDonald bases this recommendation? Mr. Rawat is simply an Indian guru who has spent thirty odd years enslaving naive westerners, trapping their minds and draining their bank accounts. His "message of peace" is no more than the siren call to join his cult after which one is never free to question anything ever again.

If YOU have any question about the true nature of this man and his "message of peace" please take a look at www.ex-premie.org which includes, in its press section, a cover article written for the Australian Age which exposes Rawat beyond dispute.

You'll find that article here:


Rawat is a vampire and your senseless support for him is an outrage. What in the world is going on here?


Jim Heller

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vampire ?
Re: What do you think's going on here? -- Jim Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
13 ®

01/06/2006, 22:13:58
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Crikey! He's a vampire too!

Now CEDA have to judge between the Lord of the Universe and a vampire slayer!

They'll probably stick to dicussing the economic development of Australia I should think.

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Okay, that makes a little sense -- the guy actually IS a premie!
Re: What do you think's going on here? -- Jim Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Jim ®

01/07/2006, 09:43:03
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Someone emailed to explain that Paul McDonald is indeed a premie.  Okay, that makes a little sense somehow.  I couldn't for the life understand how someone outside the cult could talk like that.

I wonder how his organization feels about this shameless stumping for a cult leader. 

I'll let you know if they ever get back to me.

Modified by Jim at Sat, Jan 07, 2006, 09:43:38

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A stitch of clothing for the emperor
Re: What do you think's going on here? -- Jim Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
lesley ®

01/07/2006, 13:20:25
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"It's not possible in a few words to convey the breadth of Prem Rawat's achievements. Or, indeed, what he has to offer in the context of peace. He travels the world inspiring people to find peace within. His purpose has always been the same: to help each person find fulfillment.
"In the troubled times in which we are living, our dream for peace seems to elude us. While we tend to first look to institutions to bring peace, Prem Rawat says we need first and foremost to look within. Peace, he says, is possible. It is within each person waiting, wanting to be felt. His message is original and profound."

I wonder if that is a script that Paul delivered as opposed to the old fashioned idea of satsang, ie that you spoke spontaneously. And I wonder even if he wrote it. I remember in the latter days of my involvement there were scripts sent around for emcees that had been written by a panel of instructors along with the instruction not to deviate from the script.

I’m guessing they had a program in Canberra at which he was the emcee.

The irony is that Paul probably feels glad he can be of help to ‘Maharaji’. I hope he takes the time to reread his speech and see if he can make sense out of it. After all this is worlds colliding for him. His place of work, his colleagues, his word on it.

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