You may like this one!
Posted by:
Shelagh ®

01/06/2006, 15:52:52
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Some more poetry as antidote to the mindless mush:

O Karma, Dharma, pudding and pie,

gimme a break before I die:

grant me wisdom, will, &wit,

purity, probity, pluck, & grit.

Trustworthy, loyal, helpful, kind,

gimme great abs & a steel-trap mind,

and forgive, Ye Gods, some humble advice--

these little blessings would suffice

to beget an earthly paradise:

make the bad people good--

and the good people nice;

and before our world goes over the brink,

teach the believers how to think.

~Philip Appleman

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Replies to this message

'Karma, Dharma, pudding and pie' - yes!
Re: You may like this one! -- Shelagh Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Nigel ®

01/06/2006, 20:42:42
Author Profile

Alert Forum Admin

'teach the believers how to think'?

Trouble is: they already do.

Problem is: what they think about.

Love the poem though.

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