Beware of these seeds ! ! !
Posted by:
Will ®

01/06/2006, 10:05:09
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Prem Rawat in Delhi, Nov. 2005, translated from the Hindi:

Fulfill this life now. What does it mean to fulfill this life? It means that your garden can be beautiful and green and lovely. For that, I will give you the seed. If you plant it and give it the water of trust, then definitely that seed will grow, and your garden will be beautiful. This you can experience. As long as you are alive, your garden can be beautiful. You can live in that peace. It’s not just something that you heard or that was written somewhere. This is something practical.  

Can you believe this guy ! ? ! ?

(Well, no).

He's got the seed, eh?  Does this mean that I don't have the seed myself?  Do I have to get it from Prem Rawat?  And then trust?  Him?  The seed?

Oh, palease...


 You may meet some people who have planted these seeds in themselves.  You will recognize them by the large, showy garden of flowers and vegetables that are growing out of their bodies.  These flowers and vegetables are very bright, but they are plastic.  For example, see their Amazon reviews of Prem Rawat's book.  This is a very good example of the realness of their experience.

Rawat's seeds are pretend-seeds. Rawat's seeds require an hour every day, 15 minutes each, along with "staying in trouch" trips to the supposed master gardener.  But the real seed requires no such discipline.  It grows naturally.  You already own it. 

Modified by Will at Fri, Jan 06, 2006, 10:15:45

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Oh yuck!
Re: Beware of these seeds ! ! ! -- Will Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
toby ®

01/06/2006, 11:30:04
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yes, i remember him saying at the UN 60th event in front of also new people that he wants to just reminds them of something they already know. If he'd give them something out of his pocket he is making a mistake and has to work harder, old slimeball. Now he is having the seed that people need to have. This crap is really only for those brain dead premies that don't have yet the guts to leave the cognac god.


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