...........to the funeral of a man who did so much for him. I mean, how many plutocrats get to have their Howard Hughes type security paranoia taken care of by a professional soldier, free of charge.
If you don't know how much that stuff costs in the world of maya, just think of a number & multiply it by the square root of infinity, or even, don't bother.............
My own view is that he should've gone, but I don't know whether he did or not. I notice from the comments made on the threads about this below, that there are, as usual , many ways of looking at this, & you know what.
Whatever he did, he's between a rock & a hard place. He can't win either way, & after all those years when he insisted to us that WE couldn't win, that we were lost in a paradoxical universe without him, it's only poetic justice that he's now in the same position.
What makes it even better is that his position, far from being illusory, as ours was in the real world, is real in the real world.