Happy New Year, everyone!
Posted by:
Jim ®

01/01/2006, 15:43:05
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Everyone have fun last night? 

Hope so. 

We did.  Or maybe I should make that an "I" statement.  I did.  Or at least I think I did. 


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Happy New Year to you too!
Re: Happy New Year, everyone! -- Jim Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Anna ®

01/01/2006, 16:10:36
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And Laurie as well.

I stayed at home. All the parties were driving distances away, and I wanted to have a few drinks, so not an option. And I didn't feel like braving the local pubs (always packed on NY eve), so I stayed at home with my kids - which was just the best.

We got a lovely log fire going, opened a bottle of wine, watched TV!

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Re: Happy New Year to you too!
Re: Happy New Year to you too! -- Anna Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
PatD ®

01/01/2006, 17:43:34
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Hi Anna, Jim, Laurie, T, JHB, Jethro, Hamzen, Bunny, Mike, Dot, & a couple of other people whose names I don't remember, but who don't post here, there, or anywhere, as far as I know..............

It was great talking to you all in London last August. That was better than any New Year party I've been to in a long time, even though it did contain the familiar elements of shouted random conversations over a blizzard of noise, with total strangers. Well, maybe not total.

It's so much easier to get home too at that time of year, when completely blootered; dawn comes up early, there are fewer dangerous people about, & you can crash out in the back of your car until mid-day without risking hypothermia.

I've never really liked NY, unlike Christmas, so I was pleased to spend this one entirely solo. My wife was at work, the kids were at their aunt's house, & I managed to finish JM Robert's 'History of the World' for the second time in ten years, over a bottle of malt whisky.

No, you can keep hogmanay for me............in fact there's a very good case for abolishing Scotland altogether, but I'd better not go into that one.

Nevertheless, Happy New  Year.

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Re: Happy New Year to you too!
Re: Re: Happy New Year to you too! -- PatD Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
T ®

01/02/2006, 15:47:40
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Alert Forum Admin

Thanks Patrick

Likewise it was great seeing you again recently and also chatting over 'fings'. It's been real busy with one thing and another recently, but tomorrow is the big day back to work and all that jazz.

So what was it? Lagavulin, Bowmore, Talisker or Macallan (my favourite)?

I don't agree with you about abolishing Scotland.  It is only the Scots that come down here and try 'rool' us that are the problem.  The ones up there are great.

(oops, the FAs will soon come and scold me for being OT!)

How are the old 'dears' btw?

Isn't it great being free of the influence of that Indian businessman?  (desperately trying to get back on topic here! )


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