Alas, Motherwave (tm) is no more ......
Posted by:
Jim ®

12/30/2005, 21:37:28
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It's been reborn as Soulwave (tm)! 

(Wow, what a catchy name!  Why couldn't I think of that?)

Watch the videos, listen to the audio clips and ask yourself, "Why does this seem so familiar?"  "Where have I seen this before?" 

Could it be another lifetime?  Or maybe just a timeless moment?  A brief glimpse of eternity?  Or perhaps just another cult ....

Oh hell, everyone's got to make a living ....


Related link: Soulwave!

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Replies to this message

Re: Alas, Motherwave (tm) is no more (from Moley)......
Re: Alas, Motherwave (tm) is no more ...... -- Jim Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Nigel ®

12/31/2005, 14:00:12
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I met an Eastern spiritual teacher and spent most of my twenties as a monk, traveling around the world on his behalf, helping spread the message about meditation.

Got this far into interview with said 'monk'...Had to stop to hold onto sanity.And, Nige has just pointed out that this is the same person who called you (Jim) a 'cult leader'.


Modified by Nigel at Sat, Dec 31, 2005, 15:28:06

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Message from fellow ex-monkee... (actually Nigel this time)
Re: Re: Alas, Motherwave (tm) is no more (from Moley)...... -- Nigel Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Nigel ®

12/31/2005, 16:17:29
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Then I saw her face, now I'm a believer...

Modified by Nigel at Sat, Dec 31, 2005, 16:19:25

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Re: Alas, Motherwave (tm) is no more (from Moley)......
Re: Re: Alas, Motherwave (tm) is no more (from Moley)...... -- Nigel Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Nik ®

01/01/2006, 04:22:03
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>And, Nige has just pointed out that this is the same person who called you (Jim) a 'cult leader'.<

Oh no - please not another resurrected squabble !

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Relax, Nik...
Re: Re: Alas, Motherwave (tm) is no more (from Moley)...... -- Nik Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Nigel ®

01/01/2006, 12:12:46
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Moley's not looking to start a squabble, and I don't think anyone else is.  The Katie Darling business would all be long forgotten if it weren't for this in-yer-face Katie Darling internet business.  If Katie hadn't been seeking public attention via her website, she'd not be getting any.  So everything else is 'fair comment' in my book.

Jim posted the link, the FA's didn't seem to mind, so adding one's thoughts to a thread is surely what a forum's for.

It would have been interesting thread regardless of the Recent Exes episode, simply because here is an ex-premie setting something up which walks like a cult, quacks like a cult, and revises its past like a cult, yet probably doesn't imagine for one moment that that is what it might be.

Which makes me wonder whether it is possible to get so lost in one's spiritual delusion that you become a leader (and potential exploiter) of others, innocently, so to speak - meaning no harm whatsoever - whilst profiting from that delusion?

I think that would be a fair analysis of M once - a justification even - but only for so long.  It's the way the nascent cult leader handles questions and criticisms that is the true measure of character.  Plus, of course, the willingness to doubt one's certainties, one's aptitude and one's qualifications for teaching others.


Modified by Nigel at Sun, Jan 01, 2006, 16:28:06

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Right, right and right
Re: Relax, Nik... -- Nigel Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Jim ®

01/01/2006, 15:25:36
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It's just too rich to not give our dear transcendental sister a bit of a nod every couple of years.  She's certainly proudly asserting herself as a realized soul, trafficking in the same breath-is-God-(-and-the-rest-of-you-,-worthless-tripe-) bullshit Rawat sells, offering to show others how they, too, can make "real money" providing this service.  Let's face it, it's hilarious.  If part of the pleasure of being an ex is enjoying a laugh at it all, this is definitely a good part of the movie.

Of course there's no reason for us to get all serious about this.  It's just a bit of holiday fun.

Catch the wave ....

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We don't know for sure that she's actually wrong about anything, Jim...
Re: Right, right and right -- Jim Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Nigel ®

01/01/2006, 16:50:30
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'Doubt one's certainties' is a phrase I just used, and, not being a hypocrite, my new year's resolution is to abide by it.

{five second pause for doubting of certainties}

I have also resolved to smoke, drink, eat and generally feast a bit more - and stay awake long enough to catch 'Withnail and I' in about an hour's time on telly.

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What a piece of work is man!!
Re: We don't know for sure that she's actually wrong about anything, Jim... -- Nigel Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Anthony ®

01/02/2006, 06:56:07
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Ah, Withnail and I - ever fresh, after all the years.
For the benefit of those unfamiliar with it, the film has subtle references to Hamlet throughout, culminating in the great final scene where Withnail (Richard E. Grant) performs a stunning version of the 'What a piece of work is man!' soliloquy.

First saw it back in 87 or whenever it first appeared, and couldn't believe my eyes. I thought someone had penetrated down some temporal worm-hole back into the flat I used to share in Crouch End back in the glory days.

We decamped owing weeks of rent, carting tea-chests of swag through the back garden into my mate's waiting articulated lorry. We told the genial cockney neighbours, lolling in their deckchairs, that we were off to the Isle of Wight Festival (Hendrix's last, though we didn't know it then).

My mate used to run bananas from the docks to wholesalers around the country, dropping off crates clandestinely on the way to the grocers of Seven Sisters Road. We would drink away the profits in the Queens.

Half the people we knew in Hornsey became premies.

Bruce Robinson (writer and director of Withnail) is a friend of a friend. My friend was offered the role of Benvolio in Zefferrelli's Romeo and Juliet, but turned it down as he was on stage in some important (as he saw it)political play in the West End at the time. So Bruce took the role.

Bruce was recently in that great play on the box about the fictional band Strange Fruits.
They're a band of semi-washed up musos who imploded in diversity and in-fighting just after Glastonbury 76 or something who are persuaded to re-form to catch a wave of heavy metal nostalgia.

Played by Stephen Rea, Tim Spall, Jimmy Nail, some other guy, and the ultra-splendid Bill Nighy as the singer.
The road manager is the ultra-splendide Juliet Aubrey (Middlemarch).

After loads of high jinx, catastrophes, soul-searchings and misadventures, the lads are joined on stage back in Glastonbury in the denouement by the missing presumed dead song-writer and lead guitarist Brian (Bruce), and they reprise their beautiful all-time great hit THE FIRE STILL BURNS!
There is this beautiful end scene with Nighy surpassing himself at the mike, replete with cascading hair, Bruce and Nail (the latter for once dropping the prima-donnaness) blending in abandonedly with the endless uplifting lyrics: The Fire Still Burns! and Juliet Aubrey with tear-filled eyes stage left.

And that's how I feel today. Filled with passionate uplifting life. The same old energy, pouring very nicely.
Whether this is because I have just had a nice meditation, or just the ability of life to eternally renew itself and sweep away the old cobwebs from all those dark wardrobes we sometimes find ourselves in, I don't know.

Maybe it is as Katie says (although I only read about half a sentence) that the great Motherwave is always waiting to pick us up again from the places we have been marooned into.

One thing is sure - the energy is for free and not the perquisite of any teacher who may try to claim it for themselves.

It's the natural birth-right, and if we just try to live well towards one another and life in general, we are finally brought back to optimism and some form of contentment, just through nature itself.

Modified by Anthony at Mon, Jan 02, 2006, 07:04:29

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