In spinning, Jon Knight sounds very confused, AGAIN
Posted by:
Joe ®

12/30/2005, 13:04:01
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Here is another silly entry by Jon Knight on that new "Voice for Peace" website the cult has put up. 

Competing visions for Maharaji's work

In the summer of 1976, Michael Dettmers said to me, “The only way to access Maharaji is through Bob Mishler, and that doesn’t sit well with me.” Dettmers had his own ideas about how things should be done. He had a vision of Maharaji as a humanitarian world leader. That was the thinking that prevailed for a period of time. So essentially, there was something of a power struggle between Michael Dettmers and Bob Mishler, who was taken from being the overall Chief Executive to simply being the head of North American Operations. Obviously, that didn't sit well with Mishler at all.

Jon Knight

First of all, according to Mishler's own words, Mishler wanted to try to get Maharaji to stop playing God and come out as a person instead of a deity, partly because the ashram residents were being damaged by what Rawat was doing.  So, it would seem that Mishler and Dettmers actually agreed on that. Where was the "power struggle?"

Second, if Dettmers wanted to turn Rawat into a "humanitarian world leader," why was it that Mishler was "demoted," and why did Rawat have Dettmers in charge of everything for the next 10 years, until Dettmers left both the position and the cult?

Finally, isn't "humnitarian world leader" exactly the image of Rawat  TPRF is currently trying to project?

As I said, Jon Knight sounds very confused.  Maybe he needs more experience of internal peace.

Modified by Joe at Fri, Dec 30, 2005, 13:05:34

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Re: In spinning, Jon Knight sounds very confused, AGAIN
Re: In spinning, Jon Knight sounds very confused, AGAIN -- Joe Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
PatD ®

12/30/2005, 19:30:01
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I would guess that this is the way Rawat sees things.  I can't imagine that after the mess the loose cannon type devotee websites have done to his image since the internet became a mainstream phenomenon, that this one hasn't been ok'd from Throne Central.

It's beyond caricature.

It's all of a piece though, with what we can deduce of the man's likely state of mind after a lifetime spent believing that everything that goes wrong is someone elses fault, because he is the embodyment of perfection, & is thus immune from criticism. When he's surrounded by people who think the same way, then he's fooked ; trapped in his own little rathole, just like the people in those old frog fable stories he got from his father. Of course his is a rather spacious & well appointed rathole, so no doubt the inconsistencies inherent in his his self-belief don't trouble him too much.

What an ignominious comedown for the self styled Lord of the Universe, that he should be reduced to justifying himself as a victim of others' manipulation, when in fact the historical record shows that he was the prime mover, as God Incarnate, in the appointment & dismissal of these people.

It would appear that when Mishler started having doubts about Rawat's omnipotence, read.... acting like a little spoilt prick to such an extent that the ' mission' was in danger, then Dettmers was appointed because he was so far gone in 'devotion'  at the time, that he was prepared to go along with all the whims of the Superior Power in Person.

That Rawat & his supporters can now attempt to rationalise that period without any reference to the fact that the man was accorded Divine status, is taking the concept of lila beyond taking the piss.

 Mind you it was ever thus.

God, isn't it boring having to go over the same old, same old, every time these bozos spring up like carpetbaggers on the make, fresh with their justifications & lies

Good luck to Jon Knight if he thinks his words will give him the opportunity to do direct service to the Perfect Master.  Who knows, maybe they will, & Jon will get to blissfully clean the windscreen wiper blades on one of Rawat's cars, clear of the accumulated insect scum of summers long gone.

Good health & prosperity to you & yours Joe, for 2006.

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