Lest we forget - Holy Breath
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04/19/2006, 12:49:33
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It's been a few years I think since we last talked about Holy Breath. For those who weren't around at the time, this was an important part of the initiation ritual into the Rawat religion, and Rawat himself played a central role so it wasn't some Indian trip imported by mahatmas.

The idea was that in when approaching Rawat in your first darshan line (only available to those who had 'received Knowledge'), you had to cup your hand over your right ear, and Rawat would blow at it when you were kissing his feet. He kind of blew at his hand and wafted it down to you in a wave like motion.

My first darshan line was at Copenhagen in 1974. The darshan line appeared to be running late. There was a band playing next to Rawat, and they played very up tempo music to get the line going as fast as possible. People were pretty much running, with someone pushing each premie down on Rawat's feet and pulling them back up and propelling them away, all in an instant. I was very concerned about remembering to cup my hand over my ear, but as I approached, the announcer shouted (I remember this clearly):

"He's giving Holy Breath to everyone!". So I didn't need to cup my hand over my ear.

Anyway, what a trip, eh? And you won't get to read about that in Wikipedia!


Modified by JHB at Wed, Apr 19, 2006, 12:53:50

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That, prashad and charnamrit -- SHOULD all be in Wikipedia
Re: Lest we forget - Holy Breath -- JHB Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Jim ®

04/19/2006, 13:03:39
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Perhaps Wikipedia should have a paragraph on rituals of the seventies:

Holy Breath: Rawat's divine breath in your right ear sealed your relationship as a devotee.

Prashad: Food that had been dedicated to Rawat was thereby sanctified and holy to eat.  Bog Prashad was food that had actually come from Rawat's own plate.  It was particularly holy.  Just one grain of rice was significant.

Charnamrit: Water that Rawat had dipped his feet in was also holy and distributed to premie communities with great solemnity.  Each premie was given a tiny spoonful to drink after singing the ritual devotional song, arti, morning and night.  Rawat's grace was considered so strong that even when the charnamrit was continually diluted to maintain the supply, it supposedly didn't matter.  It was still holy.  Rawat was everywhere, in everything anyway.

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And they can relate it to homeopathy, too!
Re: That, prashad and charnamrit -- SHOULD all be in Wikipedia -- Jim Top of thread Archive
Posted by:

04/19/2006, 13:55:38
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Charnamrit Dilution: Whereby continuous dilution has no effect, or an enhancement effect upon the liquid in question. THis is related to homepathic medicine whereby continuous dilution makes a medicine stronger.


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Interesting question -- which came first?
Re: And they can relate it to homeopathy, too! -- NAR Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Jim ®

04/19/2006, 14:10:30
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I wonder which came first, homeopathy generally or the charnamrit version?  Perhaps Ron Geaves ....

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Why not? Why don't we ask the learned Professor?
Re: Interesting question -- which came first? -- Jim Top of thread Archive
Posted by:

04/19/2006, 17:32:37
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After all, he seems to know everything about everything.... to include ALL of the forces driving the homicide "demonstrators" (aka Terrorists) and such. This should be a piece of cake for the Premie Professor.

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Re: That, prashad and charnamrit -- SHOULD all be in Wikipedia
Re: That, prashad and charnamrit -- SHOULD all be in Wikipedia -- Jim Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
13 ®

04/19/2006, 14:52:06
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Bog Prashad!

I never got any of that - must be why I didn't become enlightened. Who'd have thought it, bog prasad - hah!

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Eating the Master's table scraps....... did it once....... ehhhh!
Re: Re: That, prashad and charnamrit -- SHOULD all be in Wikipedia -- 13 Top of thread Archive
Posted by:

04/19/2006, 17:38:30
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No enlightenment here....... Unless you count enlightenment as: losing the guru, removing the attachment to the concept of immortality, no longer seeing the multitude of spiritual fairytales as truth, dropping-in to everyday life, learning more about the universe (the real one, this time), enjoying the time with my wife/child and stuff like that.....

Well, wait a minute, maybe I AM enlightened. Dang, now I have to get rid of more un-spiritual ego. Thanks alot!

But as for eating teh Master's table scraps, all I can say is: Arf, arf! Pant, pant, drool, drool..... ARF!

Modified by NAR at Wed, Apr 19, 2006, 17:44:12

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and then there is Bong prashad
Re: That, prashad and charnamrit -- SHOULD all be in Wikipedia -- Jim Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Susan ®

04/19/2006, 19:41:33
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thats when you get the doobie that just was just in the masters mouth....

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Re: Lest we forget - Holy Breath
Re: Lest we forget - Holy Breath -- JHB Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
shelagh ®

04/19/2006, 13:12:54
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Yes, I remember this too, John!  It was still happening in the early eighties--I know because I "received knowledge" in 1981, and had been told about this possibility, and was all excited and geared up to experience THIS too!  So within the next couple of months I went to an event (it might have been DC, or The Festival of Light in Miami Beach) and yes, I was going to receive "Holy Breath".  I was worried too, that I'd remember to do it right, and have my hand cupped around my ear, and it was all so intense, being in that darshan line, and afterwards when I sat down, I felt such a relief (which I construed as the special 'grace" etc.) but which was probably just relief that I'd done it and now I was on the next level of premiehood, or whatever!)  I don't remember feeling any particular thing in front of "The Lord"--it all went so fast really.  And anyway, I preferred to hear him speak, back then, rather than all that devotional hoopla.  One of those unlit matches, I suppose!


p.s one breathes with one's ear, of course--doesn't one?!

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Holy Breath made my knees buckle
Re: Re: Lest we forget - Holy Breath -- shelagh Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
moley ®

04/19/2006, 15:32:00
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No really. I remember hearing a loud roar (which at the time I likened to Aslan's roar). Sort of fell over, vaguely remember being carried by two premies to the 'darshan room' and plonked down in front of a giagantic pic of Rawat on a cloud. I clearly remember thinking that I had been transported by Holy Breath to the 'realm' I was in before I was 'incarnated'. I was so out of my head that all I wanted to do was stay in that room forever. But I had 3 kids including a 3 week old baby, so I 'decided' to stay in my bodily form to look after them.

This took place in Dortmund 1978, and retrospectively I wonder if the whole 'experience' had something to do with travelling on one of the usual bizarre modes of premie transport - this time a coach full of parents and children and binbags full of said childrens clothes. I lost the battle to sleep in the coach and was sent to kip in a large and cold army tent. Along with hubby and children. 

(Actually this was a luxury trip compared to the trip to Rome 1977 - that was on a bus with metal seat backs, lotsa kids, sleeping upright, bus hitting bridge at Italian border - after it was turned upside down for drugs - narrowly avoiding killing a family on the upper deck. That trip doubled up as my honeymoon, we shared a hotel room with another couple, and slept on the floor. Apparently Rawat was over our heads on a plane having a big tantrum cos he wasn't going first class).

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Why, were you standing too long? Bad breath?
Re: Holy Breath made my knees buckle -- moley Top of thread Archive
Posted by:

04/19/2006, 17:39:23
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I know, Moley, I know...... it was because he really lit your match..... and we blew it out..... sorry

Modified by NAR at Wed, Apr 19, 2006, 17:42:18

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Re: Why, were you standing too long? Bad breath?
Re: Why, were you standing too long? Bad breath? -- NAR Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
moley ®

04/19/2006, 17:46:37
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Yes and Yes

Modified by moley at Wed, Apr 19, 2006, 17:47:35

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As silly as this may sound.....
Re: Re: Why, were you standing too long? Bad breath? -- moley Top of thread Archive
Posted by:

04/19/2006, 18:03:56
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When I requested it, two things ran thru my head immeadiately afterward:

(1) Was I holding my cupped hand over the corret ear? I couldn't remember and I really started to get all weird about it.

(2) Did he "See" my request and blow in my general direction?

You see, I was one of the lucky guys who got to experience a new way to have darshan at a major festival....... the "two foot" at Orlando!

(3) Did he even see me? OH NO! (Try to go back up the tunnel to be sure..... oh, wait, there is no way I can get back.... ).

Ah, well, there's always next time

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Re: Holy Breath made my knees buckle
Re: Holy Breath made my knees buckle -- moley Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Cynthia ®

04/19/2006, 18:24:15
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In the Wikipedia article, this is how darshan is explained:

His early 1970s events featured the singing to him of Hindu devotional songs such as the arti[52  and the performance toward him of the Hindu devotional ritual of darshan

We "performed" darshan on him!  My memories of darshan lines are about being nervous that my mind would wander and I'd be thinking about something terrible, like needing to pee, or something really horrid, like sex or masturbation or something, and M would know it because he could read my thoughts.  It seemed that everyone (I was) practically hyperventilating in the seats in preparation for the final walk and then the dive for the feet.

Other thing I remember is being so rushed through by the premies there, they really pushed us through, held us as we went for the tooties, and not in an always nice way either.  

Cartoon bubble:  "There's gotta be at least $200K  hard cash coming through today, I need that jet, I want that jet...what a bunch of suckers."

Giving Holy Breath during the same darshan (in 'Elan Vital', Spring 1979, Volume III Issue 1 - page 11).


Related link: Darshan photos on EPO
Modified by Cynthia at Wed, Apr 19, 2006, 18:26:48

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Re: Lest we forget - Holy Breath
Re: Lest we forget - Holy Breath -- JHB Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Kabir ®

04/19/2006, 20:56:00
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At the Amaroo event last year during an expressions event (for those of you who have been ex-premies for a while an expressions event is where individual premies get a chance to speak to Maharaji, no questions allowed) someone mentioned to Rawat that he hadn't yet received holy breath.  Maharaji then from the stage gave this person holy breath.


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No! Any way of verifying this -- Wikipedia watch out!
Re: Re: Lest we forget - Holy Breath -- Kabir Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Jim ®

04/19/2006, 20:58:33
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Were you there?  Are you willing to post this under your real name? I know I keep seeing smoking guns all over the place but I have to say "Here's one too!"

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Re: No! Any way of verifying this -- Wikipedia watch out!
Re: No! Any way of verifying this -- Wikipedia watch out! -- Jim Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Kabir ®

04/19/2006, 21:09:00
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I was there but I'm not willing to post under my real name, especially after reading Marianne's posts.


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Hi Kabir
Re: Re: No! Any way of verifying this -- Wikipedia watch out! -- Kabir Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Marianne ®

04/19/2006, 22:53:07
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Thank you for acknowledging my post above. I hope you will one day be able to share your identity with us and others so that we can learn all about your journey. Given what has happened to me and many others, I can understand your reticence.

If you want, you can email me at MarianneDB@aol.com">MarianneDB@aol.com


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Re: No! Any way of verifying this -- Wikipedia watch out!
Re: Re: No! Any way of verifying this -- Wikipedia watch out! -- Kabir Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Jim ®

04/20/2006, 07:13:11
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Can you think of anyone else who was there who knows this happened who would be willing to say so?

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Re: No! Any way of verifying this -- Wikipedia watch out!
Re: Re: No! Any way of verifying this -- Wikipedia watch out! -- Jim Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Kabir ®

04/20/2006, 08:37:30
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I know people who were there but as far as I know they are all still practicing premies who would not want to post on this site.  If I hear of any who are leaving k and m I'll mention this to them.


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