Safe Passage Foundation - For kids in high demand organizations (HDOs)...
Posted by:
Cynthia ®

04/19/2006, 11:29:00
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What a wonderful program.  I'm so happy that I found this website today.  I found this while looking for some information that might help Loafie's friend who was brought up by premie parents and is having emotinoal difficulties.  Usually those people are called "second generation cult members."  

Safe Passage Foundation has separated itself from the fray of the anti-cult movement and the scholars, as well as the psychologists that study "cults," in order to assist real live children who are at risk. 

Here's the mission statement:

Mission of Safe Passage Foundation

The dual mission of Safe Passage Foundation is to ensure:

  1. Minors within high demand organizations are protected from abuse and exploitation and that their rights are respected and protected. 
  2. Those who choose to leave an high demand organization have a support structure throughout the transitional period

SPF has adopted the United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of the Child as the statement of its guiding philosophy.

This looks as if it's a fairly new organization.

Related link: Safe Passage Foundation

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