A Christmas Carol
Posted by:
Marianne ®

12/22/2005, 21:13:20
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Tim Gallwey, an author and corporate consultant, notes that:  "Maharaji has always seemed to believe strongly in the power of the individual, but also in the responsibility of the individual to respond to what was happening and not to either depend on government or blame government. I saw this in his response to the tsunami in Asia and the Katrina hurricane in the US. He wondered what individuals were doing to help."

Well, one has only to read the journeys posted on EPO to know that Tim Gallwey's observations are disputed by many former followers of Maharaji. These journeys show how Maharaji turned a deaf ear to complaints about child sexual abuse in his cult. The journeys describe how he demanded a lifetime of renunciate devotion and poverty in order to satisfy his material desires. It appears that Maharaji has turned his attention to those in need in his waning years as an attempt to quell his guilt ridden conscience. Literary comparisons to Dickens and "A Christmas Carol" belong to the reader, not the writer.


Modified by Marianne at Thu, Dec 22, 2005, 21:18:32

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The Inner Game of Honesty
Re: A Christmas Carol -- Marianne Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
shelagh ®

12/23/2005, 09:48:21
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Hi Marianne!  Tim Gallwey would do well to consider what personal responsibility is in ALL matters--not just in relation to whether or not we blame governments for this or that.  But I suppose that doesn't sit well with being a corporate consultant ("honesty" and "corporation" being two things that differ widely)--and there's the money factor, too.  It's hard to be wealthy--didn't Rawat say that himself? 


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Did Rawat ever ask donors to give to the relief efforts instead of him?
Re: A Christmas Carol -- Marianne Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Jim ®

12/23/2005, 15:27:21
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Rawat has a steady stream of regular donors and a whole cult full of people to hit up for money whenever the spirit moves him.  Did he ever once suggest that people give to any of the worthy relief efforts instead of him or his organization?  Perhaps he gave the nominal amount he did just to make premies think of him as some sort of United Way or United Appeal, a one-stop-gives-all service.  No need to be giving your money to anyone else for anything, not when ol' Rawat's around.

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Re: Did Rawat ever ask donors to give to the relief efforts instead of him?
Re: Did Rawat ever ask donors to give to the relief efforts instead of him? -- Jim Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Anna ®

12/23/2005, 16:27:37
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Hi Jim

Funnily enough a premie friend of mine told me recently that he didn't like the fact that the money he gives to EV may then be passed on as humanitarian aid. Not that he doesn't want to help in that way, of course he does. And he does so by donating directly to the Red Cross, or whoever.

But he just cannot understand why EV is now taking this on board themselves - albeit in a very small way - and then making such a big song and dance about it. He really was very annoyed about this, and is quite pissed off, and doesn't see the point in donating to EV anymore.

As you say, premies could be encouraged to donate directly to those charities that are experienced in the field, and have the necessary infrastructure. May be EV could suggest to premies not to give any money this month (to EV), but instead to send the money directly to Oxfam! In fact, they could take it one step further and have a fund raising event (these are quite popular at the moment, especially for the keys) and fund raise for Medicines sans Frontiers!

I think EV should clarify exactly who and what they are about.

If M has self-respect, and a sense of honour, he could do the right thing and repay people, like Mike Finch, who gave inheritances to M, and who now feel they were conned. M is plenty rich enough to do this. He doesn't have to announce it to the world either, to get a pat on the back. No one would know, apart from just a very few people. However, we all know that the only reason why M is doing this humanitarian stuff is for Public Relations purposes.

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