EPO policy on ownership of 'Journey' entries
Posted by:

02/15/2006, 05:15:14
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Alert Forum Admin

Over on the premie forum, in the midst of childish insults of Latvians including publishing a Russian hate site, one poster claims that I refused to remove the journey entry of a woman who had returned to practising Knowledge.  I have no recollection of such a request, and have always removed or edited Journey entries when asked to do so by the authors.  If this person, or someone who can speak for her, would contact me with the details, then I will check my records and if the request is confirmed, I will gladly delete the Journey.

EPO policy has long been (from before my time) that Journeys are the private property of the author.  Other articles submitted for publication become public domain.


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Update on Premiechat forum claims
Re: EPO policy on ownership of 'Journey' entries -- JHB Top of thread Archive
Posted by:

02/18/2006, 01:28:33
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Alert Forum Admin

The first person who claimed that I didn't delete a Journey entry said the author of the Journey was Katie. I did have a disagreement with one Katie who as a result demanded that her Journey was removed. I promptly complied.

Another anonymous poster now claims that I have refused to delete five Journey entries. This is totally false, and just shows the lack of attention to, and respect for, truth from some premies.

There is a whole thread over there with over 30 responses attacking me and one other regular poster here.


Modified by JHB at Sat, Feb 18, 2006, 05:30:59

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