Music and the cult
Posted by:
Gallery ®

02/13/2006, 08:07:41
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Alert Forum Admin

A new page has been uploaded in the Gallery.

This page traces the role music played in the cult from the early 70s to the 90s.

Within this page are links to various tracks (MP3 128k format).

It especially shows the extent of the worship of and devotion to Rawat as a divine figure and exposes the current Élan Vital revisionist history that Rawat attempted to remove the beliefs in his divinity as well as the Indian trappings of Divine Light mission in the 1970's.

As an example, Charanand continues to sing this song to this day, which is loaded with Indian cultural baggage and references to Prem Rawat's supposed divine status.


Modified by Gallery at Mon, Feb 13, 2006, 08:16:29

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Re: Music and the cult -- Gallery Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
13 ®

02/13/2006, 08:43:41
Author Profile

Alert Forum Admin

Excellent idea - well done. This needed documenting

I listened to half a song. I feel sorry for you having to listen to so many!

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Re: Music and the cult
Re: Music and the cult -- Gallery Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Bryn ®

02/14/2006, 17:35:43
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We've had a great evening here. Why did we ever leave? That Rock me Maharaji is a real stormer, we sang it through twice here arms and all. And Oasis of Love well there wasn't a dry eye in the house. Memories of jet lag, child-care, His face and moments-moments! all flooding back. Fantastic stuff. Particularly liked Who is Guru M which seems to have survived verbatim and in perfect verse sequence in my sub-conscious from thirty years ago.Take me back Maharaji Take me back. All is forgiven.Very powerful indeed this music stuff.



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