Instant Darshan
Posted by:
Nik ®

02/10/2006, 12:23:50
Author Profile

Alert Forum Admin

EV eventually puts up a notice 48 hours before the FortL event:

and read the advisory page :

Photos/Recording/Cell Phones
If your cell phone, personal digital assistant (PDA) or other device can take pictures or videos and transmit or store this material or record, please do not bring it to the event but rather leave it in your hotel room or your car.  We appreciate your understanding and assistance in protecting the integrity of the event.

Metal Detectors
Metal detectors will be in operation at this event. In order to facilitate a smooth entry into the hall and to avoid delays, please do not bring prohibited items such as luggage, large bags, cameras, camcorders or recording devices.

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'protecting the integrity of the event'
Re: Instant Darshan -- Nik Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
moley ®

02/11/2006, 15:10:58
Author Profile

Alert Forum Admin

Good grief! Strange really that Guru (Greater than God) should be fretting about such things. 

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