A great quote from the premie forum!
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02/09/2006, 08:05:33
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I've just been in the premie forum (linked above) and in a discussion about books, someone called Winnie writes this:-

Charlie I enjoy reading books as well as writing. Accepting different points of view as well as agreeing to disagree is on page 1 of Winnies book of behavior I am in no mood to apologise to anyone for placing a value on education and knowledge. There will always be philistines who wont understand the joys of reading a good book.

Now what was that quote from Rawat about having never read a book?


Modified by JHB at Thu, Feb 09, 2006, 08:06:40

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Re: A great quote from the premie forum!
Re: A great quote from the premie forum! -- JHB Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
moley ®

02/09/2006, 15:50:29
Author Profile

Alert Forum Admin

Very funny! And what's that about education and knowledge ? Is that knowledge with a small k?

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