The Only Possibility for World Peace
Posted by:
Will ®

02/08/2006, 12:35:08
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 The Only Possibility for World Peace

by Prem Rawat, 2005

Recently, I was going for a walk, and I found myself in the midst of some really tall buildings. And it hit me that what I see is a massive building, but what is it? I see the face of it, the windows, the decorations, but what is this building?

I sometimes forget that a building is standing on a foundation that I can’t see because it is buried.   I also forget that, however tall this building is, it is built of blocks, of components that are much, much smaller than the building. And the integrity of the building actually relies on the integrity of those far smaller components.

When we talk about peace, it isn’t any different.  There are little components called human beings. We are the components. And the integrity of each country depends upon the integrity of the individual components.

We talk about countries. What we don’t talk about is people. But if a person does not have peace in their life, whatever they are trying to achieve will never succeed.

Do you want peace in your life? Or do you want chaos? The potential for both exists in every person’s life.   

Maharaji / Prem Rawat

Understanding the value of each person finding that contentment, one at a time, is the only possibility for world peace that has never been tried. To solidify every brick, every block and to say, “Yes, indeed, this building can stand tall because every block is solid, has integrity."

The people of this world are the bricks and the mortar and the steel girders of this structure. It is incumbent upon us to at least try to make a difference. Rather than to offer logic of how it cannot be done, to at least try to see the possibility of how it could be done. And then maybe, at least the hope indicates, there will be peace on earth.


Ahhhhhh!  This message of world peace is so magnificent!  It is as good as the book Clarity.  It is even almost as good as that interview with the television food and travel critic.  It's might even be as great as the Peace Bomb satsang.  The words are soooo profound.  Everybody listen and find your peace and then we will all live in peace with Prem Rawat as our Leader!!!!!!   It is so simple.  Even a fourth-grader can understand it.  And it could happen. 


The text above is excerpted from a speech by Prem Rawat, as published on the website "The Voice of Maharaji," under the title "Incumbent Upon Us."

Modified by Will at Wed, Feb 08, 2006, 12:43:56

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Here are a couple Human Building Blocks for World Peace
Re: The Only Possibility for World Peace -- Will Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Will ®

02/08/2006, 13:00:45
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Prem Rawat

These two ladies are listening to a speech by Prem Rawat on World Peace.  Might we take them as representative of the Human Building Blocks that Prem Rawat has described?  We see that they are obviously experiencing their individual peace. 

The one on the right looks to me like a happy robot whose mind has been emptied of everything except for the Experience of Knowledge.  (Please see the Keys website for how to obtain this experience absolutely free of charge).

The one on the left looks like she is close to loosing her smile.  Perhaps a stray thought has entered her mind.  A thought such as:  "Boy, is this crap or what!"

These two ladies are in a group of adults all listening to one of the world's leading inspirational speakers for world peace, the former LOTU. 

Yes, I said adults.  Alas!  Prem Rawat apparently thought his audience was composed entirely of fourth-graders and had dumb-downed his rhetoric.  But not to worry, individual peace and world peace are not contingent upon higher education.  (For the three rules that are necessary for world peace, please refer to the Keys website).

Modified by Will at Wed, Feb 08, 2006, 15:16:17

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Re: Here are a couple Human Building Blocks for World Peace
Re: Here are a couple Human Building Blocks for World Peace -- Will Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
wolfie ®

02/09/2006, 02:42:11
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man, you can be lucky, you could have been on a picture too and maybe there was a time were you would have been very prought for!


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Give him a break, Will - world peace is a VERY GOOD IDEA!
Re: The Only Possibility for World Peace -- Will Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Nigel ®

02/08/2006, 14:20:47
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How can you not follow the man who invented it?

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Luckily we cant self-perfect!
Re: The Only Possibility for World Peace -- Will Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
bill ®

02/08/2006, 22:27:18
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If we could, he would have at least a shred of merit in his blabbering. I love that his whole trip is based on pride of self perfection.

It is a perfect trap. He deserves it.

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Rawat talks like a dimwit...
Re: The Only Possibility for World Peace -- Will Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Cynthia ®

02/09/2006, 05:32:25
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Who in the world talks like this but Prem Rawat? What  empty, useless words.  "I found myself in the midst of..."  and "Sometimes I forget [??? LOL!] the buildings have foundations???"  I mean, is Rawat's brain completely toast?

"Recently, I was going for a walk, and I found myself in the midst of some really tall buildings. And it hit me that what I see is a massive building, but what is it? I see the face of it, the windows, the decorations, but what is this building?

"I sometimes forget that a building is standing on a foundation that I can’t see because it is buried.   I also forget that, however tall this building is, it is built of blocks, of components that are much, much smaller than the building. And the integrity of the building actually relies on the integrity of those far smaller components."

You've got some really deep thoughts going there, Prem!! 

HaHaHaHaHa....A good morning laugh!

Modified by Cynthia at Thu, Feb 09, 2006, 05:41:04

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Maybe I should offer my services as Prem's editor
Re: Rawat talks like a dimwit... -- Cynthia Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Neville B ®

02/09/2006, 05:50:12
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However once you've edited out the redundant material, I suspect there'd be nothing left.

Neville B

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ohh, let's give em a chance mate
Re: The Only Possibility for World Peace -- Will Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
aunt bea ®

02/09/2006, 06:18:13
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Well let‘s just step back a second and take a look at this theory of Prem Rawat from a more objective point of view. We‘re all so jaded aren‘t we? So the theory is that if each individual could find this elusive satisfaction that Rawat is offering, then the world would be at peace. Okay, sounds reasonable. But wait! There are at least two problems with this.

First of all, the implication is that this peaceable world would have one Prem Rawat at the unerring helm. Your basic dictatorship. Somehow I‘ve heard this idea before. Ah the yearning for those simpler times when the world was ruled by divinely positioned Kings.

And something else. Prem Rawat has now had 40 years or so to prove that the practice of Knowledge shapes people into more peaceable and forthright citizens. Unfortunately for him, this just hasn‘t happened. Premies are not less prone to violence and they certainly don‘t have more integrity. By the very nature of what is expected of them as premies, they have less integrity, because all ethics are thrown overboard in service of Prem Rawat.

Just take the book business as an example. Chuck Nathan and the rest of those guys went around screwing each blind other all in the name of service. But exactly these kind of actions are what causes violence and war. So how exactly is Knowledge to bring about peace? So far there is zero evidence for that. Though it makes a great guilt eliminator. Screw your fellow man, donate 10% to Rawat and you‘re redeemed.

So even if Rawat‘s basic idea is valid, it isn‘t going to happen with him, his stupid meditation techniques and his infantile speeches.

And really, if we stop being infantile for a moment, the traits that make people screw each other are part of our human heritage. It‘s all a balance of cooperation and competition. Making us all into Stepford wives isn‘t really an attractive alternative.

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Too true blue
Re: ohh, let's give em a chance mate -- aunt bea Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
PatD ®

02/09/2006, 17:11:43
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I agree with all of that.


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The Only Possibility for Motherhood and Apple Pie
Re: The Only Possibility for World Peace -- Will Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
larkin ®

02/09/2006, 12:43:10
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The Only Possibility for Motherhood and Apple Pie

Goomar Maharuji, ( aka. "Simple Simon" ) 2006


Recently, I was going for a walk, and I found myself in the midst of some really tall pies. And it hit me that what I see is a massive pie, but what is it? I see the face of it, the windows, the decorations, but what is this pie?

I sometimes forget that a pie is standing on a pastry dish that I can’t see because it is hidden and somebody else made it for me. I also forget that, however tall this pie is, it must have been built of tiny little thingies and components that are much, much, much, much smaller than the pie. And the integrity of the pie actually relies on the integrity of those much, much, much, much smaller components.

When we talk about World Motherhood and Apple Pie, it isn’t any different. There are these tiny, wee, little components called human beings. We are the components. And the integrity of each country depends upon the integrity of the individual components.

We talk about countries. What we don’t talk about is people. Good people, bad people, everyday people, shiny, happy people. But if a person does not have motherhood and apple pie in their life, whatever they are trying to achieve will never succeed.

Do you want motherhood and apple pie in your life? Or do you want to be wired to the mains by your nipples and beaten with a knotted rope? The potential for both exists in every person’s life.

(And if you think it’s clever to make a custard pie instead, the consequences can be unfortunate!)

Understanding the value of each person finding that contentment, one at a time, is the only possibility for world motherhood and apple pie that has never been tried. To solidify every brick, every block and to say, "Yes, indeed, this pie can stand tall because every block is solid, has integrity."

The tiny, wee people of this big, big world are the apples and the cinnamon and the cloves of this structure. It is incumbent upon us to at least set the oven at Gas mark 6 and try a light sprinkling of icing sugar. Rather than to offer logic of how it cannot be done, to at least try to see the possibility of how it could be done. And then maybe, at least the hope indicates, there will be motherhood and apple pie on earth (hic).

Is dinner ready?

(coming soon: Phlegm the Rat's acclaimed talk: ‘The World is Just a Great Big Onion’)




Modified by larkin at Thu, Feb 09, 2006, 13:28:55

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Very, very funny!!
Re: The Only Possibility for Motherhood and Apple Pie -- larkin Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Anna ®

02/09/2006, 14:38:29
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Excellent post, - had me laughing out loud!

Thanks Larkin

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Now that's brillilant! LOL
Re: The Only Possibility for Motherhood and Apple Pie -- larkin Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Joe ®

02/10/2006, 15:24:53
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Here's ya flipping building blocks rye cheer!
Re: The Only Possibility for World Peace -- Will Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Steve ®

02/11/2006, 20:46:50
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"The Hans Family is the Light of the world and they are going to show the whole world the path of light. This is a family affair. Keep in touch with the family and you will really be a part of what is happening."

Shri Mata Ji, Palam Airport, Delhi, 1971.

The people of this world are the bricks and the mortar and the steel girders of this structure.

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