Silly man
Maharaji He wants to be content. Who doesn't? But does he care how he tries to get his contentment? Does he even bother to find out if his laboratory animals: (his students), are content? No!
And he doesn't want anyone to explain why he should not be content or even that it's OK? (to be discontent?).
And, in fact, I doubt if he ever feels content. What hogwash! Look at him. So many concepts.*
*(- how people think, what they get into - his supposed method of contentment is heaven for all - its absence is hell).
Modified by Lp at Sun, Jun 03, 2007, 18:57:03
I think he does know what he wants to say but he better be blathering like that in front of pwikkish people and not Lord Mayoral crowds or they might even laugh, British politeness notwithstanding.
I don't think much of that hash qualifies to be called 'concepts' but it seems to be the message he is giving to premies these days is both grandiose and lowering. The experience that "he offers" and that most premies have or aspire to is both the biggest and the best, and didn't he even use Goddy type words recently, and it is "just" contentment so if you are just content, and how many 50ish people aren't, then you're there.
He can hardly be saying that the experience is both the biggest and the best and it's so fantastic that everybody you meet will keel over at your feet in awe and ecstacy at meeting such an incredibly blissed-out, realised soul because then the premies would look around and realise that the Rawatisms are just plain bullshit, well actually they'd probably rationalise it as meaning all the other premies that they have never met must be like that and that only the ones I know aren't.
Goddy and Heaveny - Helly words aside: at this rate he will hardly be able to get away with saying it just makes you feel OK or even normal.
The perfectly normal master and his OK teachings?
Not really.....
Modified by Lp at Sun, Jun 03, 2007, 18:26:33
Thank You Cynthia, Ocker, and Lp for posting... I remember back when I was told by Prem Rawat and his premies that "being in my mind" and having "concepts" was a bad thing. It was a constant battle trying to get rid of my own thinking thoughts. Prem Rawat is still saying basically the same thing, but has toned it down a bit. Here's a small Prem Rawat quote about hell. (from the Divine Times) What can I say about it? I just think Prem Rawat really is a tool.
Modified by hilltop at Sun, Jun 03, 2007, 22:33:52
Modified by hilltop at Mon, Jun 04, 2007, 00:29:13
He wanted to be a doctor too! And a circus ring master.
Thanks Hilltop.
Modified by Lp at Mon, Jun 04, 2007, 02:26:39
Yep, that was a funny one. Why stop there though?
Professor Sir Dr Lord ... hang on, wasn't that what Balyogeshwar Param Sant etc etc was about.
More titles, like third world dictators with their rows and rows of medals.
You could spot people like that at primary school, you know, the ones who would nick the stars at break time to add them to their row on the star chart.
Titles and stars and points and medals and keys to cities and hobnobbing with the hoi-polloi. A funny game to get into.
HE Expected, I think, to be Honorary Everything.
Or as my Dad would have put it: "He thought his body every self." 
Modified by Lp at Mon, Jun 04, 2007, 07:41:13
This is from the movie "The Seven Faces Of Dr Lao" starring Tony Randell. He talked at length about joining the circus of Dr Lord. Hilltop, can you find any quotes? Thanks, Karen
Poor guy. He can't even have a joke without taking himself seriously.
Modified by Lp at Tue, Jun 05, 2007, 03:13:00
Rawat keeps getting himself in deeper waters. Right L.P., he has too many (false) concepts. These parapraphs are amazing. No darkness, eh? He uses the Bible when is convinient to him to deceive christian cultures into his darkness. Rawat: Well, this is what people get into. Heaven? Hell? Who made it up? The only heaven is the heaven that is inside of you. When you are in contentment, that is the real heaven. And all you need for the definition of hell is not to be in that heaven. That’s all. He wishes all was that simple. I remember him many times telling devotees to be sure to realize K because leaving earth and finding one self lost was going to be a horrible, eternal experience. So, which concept is true? Is there a hell or not? Christians are not not happy with this man; he is about to get some light shinning on him. I saved this page, as I have done with all the others. They will be very useful. Please, share similar ones, these are so very "special". Silvia, gagged by the forum patrol, and needing to know where the keys to freedom can be bought so I can be free to post what I want to say. I am not ashamed of my faith and nobody making fun of it can or will make me change my mind. J lives!
Hi Axis, Thank You for posting. Here's an attachment where Prem Rawat mentions the darkness. I don't have the where and when, etc. information handy, but He did say this...
Modified by hilltop at Sun, Jun 03, 2007, 22:36:43
And here Prem Rawat talks about Grace & Sin.
Modified by hilltop at Sun, Jun 03, 2007, 21:38:10
"It's quite obvious that only by Knowledge - and then, not even that -"
He denies the techniques do anything.
But claims a magic power to make all these things happen in return for loving him unceasingly:-
Understand who we are Have our true identity Experience ourself Go beyond the barriers of good and bad? - beyond the barriers of right and wrong?? Beyond the barrier of time! Cross the whole finite reality!! Merge with "the infinite": whatever that is:-
Not by Knowledge - by his "Grace" - but only if our love for Prem Rawat will never cease.
Modified by Lp at Mon, Jun 04, 2007, 09:04:18
"Go beyond the barriers of good and bad? - beyond the barriers of right and wrong??"
I've been mulling over these words from time to time.
What exactly do you suppose he means?
Go beyond mores?, laws of the land?, human principles? What are these? Just concepts invented by others? (Not him.) And therefore, (though of obvious value to general society) an irritating impedance to his pursuit of self contentment at all costs, regardless of what any one else thinks or says?
What are the barriers of right or wrong? Are they not the fabric of our Humanity? The lines, drawn in sand, at times, yet vital to our Race?
Modified by Lp at Mon, Jun 04, 2007, 15:09:21
"Go beyond the barriers of good and bad?
- beyond the barriers of right and wrong??
What exactly do you suppose he means? "Nothing new here. What he really means, and has always meant, is to drop your concepts of good and bad. 'Human values' is Mr Mind!!!
That way any critcal thought of him a premie might have, becomes 'mind' and the premie self-chastises.
When things go well 'Thank you maharaji' when things go bad 'Oh, I am in my mind, I am bad bad bad'.
(Its the same as Christain fundies who thanks Jesus for good things and blame their own 'sinning nature' for the bad.) This is standard newage bolloxology that all gurus and guru-types use. Anyway as my old friend Les(whose parents survived the Warsaw Ghetto and whose brother was killed fighting the Nazis there)used to say
"Hashayna reina gipoora" - may he know in his lifetme what it is to be a scapegoat. beautiful days here Jethro
Modified by Jethro at Mon, Jun 04, 2007, 15:57:57
He holds the values we developed independently of him, in contempt.
Yes a beautiful day. High up, many swallows were flying.
Modified by Lp at Mon, Jun 04, 2007, 16:36:28
That sounds lovely - I'm going to be in your area in a week or so. Really looking forward to it, I haven't been back for ten years now. I guess the foxgloves are out by now. 
Go beyond mores?, laws of the land?, human principles? What are these? Just concepts invented by others? (Not him.) And therefore, (though of obvious value to general society) an irritating impedance to his pursuit of self contentment at all costs, regardless of what any one else thinks or says? He doesn't want these applied to HIM! Great point. Karen
Modified by Karenl at Mon, Jun 04, 2007, 20:38:56
thanks Hilltop It wasn't a dream ..we really did let years and years of that stuff seep in and infect us. Forget the inspirational speaker ...unfortunately this 'learning' still lives on , subliminal and unreconstructed in the hearts of the faithful to underpin their continuing conspiratorial adoration of the Rawat