Here is an observation that I think most exes would agree with.
When a formerly devoted premie ends up "leaving Knowledge" or "leaving Rawat", he or she is surprised that they in fact are not really leaving anything at all, that Rawatism is nothing really.
A person can't "leave Rawat", because they never were with him anyway, (except for the very rare exceptions of PAM's). I knew once I had renounced my loyalty to Rawat that I had only been directing my loyalty to truth in his direction, without really know him. When I stopped using Rawat as my idol, my actual loyalty contined unchanged. And when I stopped practicing Knowledge, I certainly didn't forget or renounce any knowing or any feeling that I had gained. I simply remained as I have always been.
It's kinda surprising how undramatic it is to quit Knowledge.
All an ex really does is stop the premie effort, like a person who stops running in place on a treadmill.
Scottie is obviously in the premie-mindset that there is something unique and wonderful about Rawat and Knowledge and he surely thinks that premies and ex-premies are very different and have a very differing experience of life. But that is just not true. All the good things about being a premie are naturally available anyway! And you don't really know that until you stop practicing, stop all the premie effort. I think Scotty would be surprised.