EPO Feedback
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05/30/2007, 05:24:03
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I received this email from someone called Scotty in Australia. Normally I treat all email as confidential but as the return address turns out to be non-existent, this is the only way to reply to the sender. I'm also publishing the email and my reply to reassure any other premies who share Scotty's misconceptions.

Scotty's email:-

How sad for you that you don't have enough beautiful things to do in your life but try to destroy other peoples joy. Get a Life. Boy you sure must be one miserable human being.

My reply:-

Many thanks for your email and your concern about my happiness. I can assure you that I spend little time on the work of keeping people informed of those aspects of Prem Rawat he would prefer to hide. My aim certainly is not to destroy other people's joy, and judging from the thank you emails I have received, that does not appear to be the result. Since rejecting Rawat as my Master, my life feels more real and I am finding increasing fulfillment, certainly much more than I ever did as a premie. Living where I do in the Latvian countryside, I have no shortage of 'beautiful things to do'! From my conversations with other former premies, I can say that they report similar changes in their lives. I hope this has reassured you!

I take it you have read some of ex-premie.org. If so I would be grateful for any reports of inaccuracies.

Many thanks again,

John Brauns
webmaster ex-premie.org

Modified by JHB at Wed, May 30, 2007, 05:25:23

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Replies to this message

Re: EPO Feedback
Re: EPO Feedback -- JHB Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
arthurchappell ®

05/30/2007, 07:16:06
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The Premies always make the same assumptions thar a/. we are unhappy since leaving the nest b/. we do nothing except write to one another on here - nothing could be further from the truth - they need to assure themselves that without M we are all bitter and twisted and do nothing with our lives - most of my 20 plus years since I escaped have been great and I write lots of stuff that has nothing to do with cults. AC

http://www.lulu.com/content/757452 My book on Maharaji -  BRAINWASHED! A CULT SURVIVOR'S TALE

Arthur Chappell arthur@chappell7300.freeserve.co.uk

 My Space. http://www.myspace.com/56954240

Web site  www.arthurchappell.clara.net/


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Re: EPO Feedback
Re: EPO Feedback -- JHB Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
shereelove ®

05/30/2007, 09:18:48
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Scotty in Australia, If you were at Amaroo last September you may have heard these songs performed live at the pavilion in the evenings.  "Be with me, play with me, stay - dance with me, sing to me.  Be with me, play with me, stay - dance with me, sing to me. " (Noel Davies)  From 1972 to 2006 the yearning was always the same.  My sister told me about EPO over 5 years ago and my response was I wouldn't open that pandora's box; anybody could say anything on the internet, that didn't make it true. I perpetuated the dream a little longer. Who would have believed that I chose this emotionally abusive relationship, that the roller coaster maharaji offered to take us off of was in fact a parable for what he was offering, and nothing more? I for one do appreciate the kindness of John Brauns et al. in responding with dignity to any of us, and making the choice available for seekers of truth to decide for ourselves. So read the journeys and decide for yourself what is and isn't spin.  The other song so poignant, heard at Amaroo, Touchstone/Sonjah Clegg, "I thought that I loved you, I thought that I lied, thought I could leave you, I never tried. Well there's a change in me, there's a need in me, and it's only the longing to be free." 

Be free Scotty, Shereelove

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Great reply, John
Re: EPO Feedback -- JHB Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Karenl ®

05/30/2007, 13:50:05
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How sad for you that you don't have enough beautiful things to do in your life but try to destroy other peoples joy. Get a Life. Boy you sure must be one miserable human being.

Scotty, where is it written in stone that expressing the truth of our experiences equates with destroying other people's joy? If your joy is that fragile, how real is it? This is one thing that was hurled at me when I left - I was told that I should keep my feelings quiet and to my self. This was right after I was called "a Judas and a betrayer." Pretty strong words if Rawat is just a motivational speaker, or what ever he puts himself out there to be.

Me thinks premies protest a wee bit too much. If your experience in the big K is SO incontrovertible, how can anything disturb it? Maybe it isn't that your faith is lacking, maybe the foundation you are standing on is not sound.

I have been having the BEST experiences of my life since leaving Rawat.


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Re: Great reply, John
Re: Great reply, John -- Karenl Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Nik ®

05/30/2007, 14:34:09
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>If your joy is that fragile, how real is it?<

They certainly are a pretty weedy bunch them premies.


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you are the master of the perfect response
Re: EPO Feedback -- JHB Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Susan ®

05/30/2007, 16:13:24
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The ex-premie surprise
Re: EPO Feedback -- JHB Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Will ®

05/30/2007, 17:06:40
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Here is an observation that I think most exes would agree with.

When a formerly devoted premie ends up "leaving Knowledge" or "leaving Rawat", he or she is surprised that they in fact are not really leaving anything at all, that Rawatism is nothing really. 

A person can't "leave Rawat", because they never were with him anyway, (except for the very rare exceptions of PAM's).  I knew once I had renounced my loyalty to Rawat that I had only been directing my loyalty to truth in his direction, without really know him.   When I stopped using Rawat as my idol, my actual loyalty contined unchanged. And when I stopped practicing Knowledge, I certainly didn't forget or renounce any knowing or any feeling that I had gained.  I simply remained as I have always been.

It's kinda surprising how undramatic it is to quit Knowledge.

All an ex really does is stop the premie effort, like a person who stops running in place on a treadmill.

Scottie is obviously in the premie-mindset that there is something unique and wonderful about Rawat and Knowledge and he surely thinks that premies and ex-premies are very different and have a very differing experience of life.  But that is just not true.  All the good things about being a premie are naturally available anyway!   And you don't really know that until you stop practicing, stop all the premie effort.  I think Scotty would be surprised.


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thanks Will,,,thats describes it exactly + a sense of relief
Re: The ex-premie surprise -- Will Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
tommo ®

05/30/2007, 17:50:19
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