A Premie and His Spin (has no problem with lying)
Posted by:
Joe ®

02/07/2006, 16:27:20
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Over on Amazon.com, under the "Lord of the Universe" video "reviews" is an entry from somebody named Robert Luckey from Boston, from February 3, 2006.  Unlike the other premie reviews, which call the video things like "trash" and "lies," this guy admits the accuracy of the video but then proceeds with what I think would be Elan Vital's spin on this (although like most premies, he seems unable to spell "Millennium" and has no problem lying about Rawat's past).  He says, in part:

Fascinating snapshot of one moment in time, but leaves too much unanswered..., February 3, 2006

Reviewer: Robert Luckey (Boston, MA USA)

What a fascinating glimpse into the past this video presents, revisiting the early days of Maharaji's emergence in the West. The cameras don't lie: they show it all -- from the innocent and unrestrained enthusiasm of Maharaji's early followers to the emotional and sometimes illogical extremes to which that enthusiasm can sometimes lead. Yep, I was there, and saw it unfold right before my very eyes....

...Although what is presented in this video is something that seems to have all the trappings common of the many cult phenomena that were so prevalent in the post-hippie years of the seventies, ..[w]hen Maharaji first came to the West, he was a very young boy, and the presentation of his message was largely managed and manipulated by his mother, who had a vested interest in keeping a personality cult live and healthy.

[She did? and Maharaji himself didn't?  Gee, that's something I never knew.  So, Mata Ji was FORCING Rawat to claim God status, have people kiss his feet, and demand that the press get behind his Millennial ambitions?]

...It would have been great to have included an update to the original video, chronicling Maharaji's split with the elements of his family that had wanted to maintain a personality cult, his steady efforts to strip away all the traditional Indian religious trappings that had initially been obscuring and complicating the simplicity of the message and gift that he had to offer, his dissolution of the once prevalent ashram system that gave the misleading appearance that adoption of the tools which he offered required a parallel adoption of specific lifestyle constraints, and his efforts to make his message and the techniques for experiencing inner peace widely available to people via public access tools such as the internet free of charge so that people can investigate for themselves, at their own pace and without fear of any kind of "group pressure" phenomena to cloud their perception.

[So much revisionsist history there, it's hard to know where to start.  First, the split with the family occurred because Prem married an airline stewardess when he was 15 and that was in 1974.  For nearly another 10 years after he split with the family, Prem not only continued the "cult and Hindu trappings," the ashrams (in fact by 1979 he was pushing the ashrams more than ever), and indeed his claims to be the incarnation of God, including wearing Krishna costumes and crowns at large programs where he had his followers worship him, he was doing it more than he ever did when his Mum was around.  How could this be blamed on his Mother's control, when she was gone in 1974, and Rawat was the dancing Krishna until at least 1983?]

How is it that Maharaji has evolved from what once many would have considered a cult leader, to someone who is now invited to speak at forums as diverse as the United Nations...,

[Rawat has never been invited to speak at the United Nations.  He spoke in a hall RENTED FROM the United Nations.]

...premier institutions of higher learning such as Harvard and Oxford Universities...

[Maharaji was not invited to speak at Harvard and Oxford, he spoke in HALLS RENTED by his cult at Harvard and Oxford.]

...  and yet also continue to find tremendous enthusiasm among huge audiences of simple common folk around the world?

[Perhaps in India he might get audiences described as "huge" but in the west, he is lucky to get 5,000 members to show up to be in an audience, and usually it is much smaller.  This is down from about 20,000 in the late 70s.]

Why is it that within the last year he has been presented with honors and recognition from prominent figures such as US governors, the mayors of Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Miami, the former President of the European Parliament and Prime minister of Italy?

[These "honors and recognition" are given out like candy.  I spoke to the assistant to the mayor of San Francisco and asked why Rawat was being given a commendation by the mayor and he told me they always give them out when asked, and they were asked.  Plus, Rawat rented a hall to supposedly speak on the anniversary of the United Nations, and this was the impetus for the commendation, but this event was not open to the public, was not even advertised until after it happened, and there is actually no evidence it actually occurred, and the mayor's office had no evidence of it either, and was surprised when I told them.]

How has he gone from speaking before small informal groups gathered in living rooms and back yards when he first came to the West, to the point that weekly broadcasts of excerpts of his message delivered to live audiences, in the "Words of Peace" series, are broadcast around the world,...

[Yes, on cable access TV, along with a number of other cult leaders, who do the same thing, Rawat being too poor to actually pay for television broadcasts.  The number of people watching these "words of peace" is tiny.]

...Indeed, the snapshot of the past presented by this documentary is intriguing, but if it stirs your curiosity, I suggest you visit a web site such as www.ContactInfo.net to see where the story has evolved to from those unique beginnings many years ago and how you can find out more on your own. I suspect the best is yet to come, and checking it out for yourself may be better than any video ever could be. The way I originally looked at it those many years ago was that I had nothing to loose by investigating the situation, and possibly lots to gain. I think that still holds true for anyone today, and the "investigation" part has been made lots easier by electronic access media such as the internet. Let the adventure begin...

[Robert, honey, this part clearly violates Amazon's guidelines for reviews, because, well, you are now proselytizing.  But it is true there is a lot about Rawat on the internet.  You got that right.]

I personally found this review very helpful.  Didn't you?

Related link: The Lord of the Universe
Modified by Joe at Tue, Feb 07, 2006, 16:47:59

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"I had nothing to loose by investigating the situation" . . .
Re: A Premie and His Spin (has no problem with lying) -- Joe Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Dr.wow ®

02/07/2006, 17:14:06
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"I had nothing to loose by investigating the situation" . . . this quote about sums it up.

Also, does anyone give out trophies for the longest run-on sentence?  This sucker wins hands down . . . "It would have been great to have included an update to the original video, chronicling Maharaji's split with the elements of his family that had wanted to maintain a personality cult, his steady efforts to strip away all the traditional Indian religious trappings that had initially been obscuring and complicating the simplicity of the message and gift that he had to offer, his dissolution of the once prevalent ashram system that gave the misleading appearance that adoption of the tools which he offered required a parallel adoption of specific lifestyle constraints, and his efforts to make his message and the techniques for experiencing inner peace widely available to people via public access tools such as the internet free of charge so that people can investigate for themselves, at their own pace and without fear of any kind of "group pressure" phenomena to cloud their perception."

No spin there.

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I hope that Premie remembers to breathe
Re: A Premie and His Spin (has no problem with lying) -- Joe Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Lexy ®

02/08/2006, 12:10:48
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Alert Forum Admin

This is the longest sentence I've ever read !!

...It would have been great to have included an update to the original video, chronicling Maharaji's split with the elements of his family that had wanted to maintain a personality cult, his steady efforts to strip away all the traditional Indian religious trappings that had initially been obscuring and complicating the simplicity of the message and gift that he had to offer, his dissolution of the once prevalent ashram system that gave the misleading appearance that adoption of the tools which he offered required a parallel adoption of specific lifestyle constraints, and his efforts to make his message and the techniques for experiencing inner peace widely available to people via public access tools such as the internet free of charge so that people can investigate for themselves, at their own pace and without fear of any kind of "group pressure" phenomena to cloud their perception.

...and inhale...and breathe out.

Later edit: I've just read your post . "Snap" Dr Wow. Great minds think alike

Modified by Lexy at Wed, Feb 08, 2006, 12:14:52

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